Installing the Basket Shelf (Scantop) on the unit (No Power Pole Cover)

To install the Basket Shelf (Scantop) on the SelfServ Checkout unit without a Power Pole Cover, follow these steps:

The Basket Shelf can be installed on either a Left-hand (LH) unit or a Right-hand (RH) unit. This procedure shows how to install the shelf on a Left-hand (LH) unit only as an example.

  1. Install the Filler Gasket on the Basket Shelf by doing the following:
    • Remove the adhesive strip from the back of the Filler Gasket.
    • Attach the Filler Gasket to the Basket Shelf, as shown in the image below.

      Ensure that the Filler Gasket is positioned to line up with the Scanner/Scale Top Plate.

  2. Insert three (3) M6 screws into the side of the Core Cabinet as an alignment guide. Leave at least ¼ inch of the screw threads visible.

  3. Align the Basket Shelf over the alignment screws and then slide the shelf down onto the three (3) screws.

  4. Insert one (1) screw as shown in the image below.

  5. Tighten all four (4) M6 screws to secure the Basket Shelf to the unit.