Installing the Scanner/Scale (7879e)

To install the NCR RealScan™ 79 Bi–Optic Imager Scanner/Scale (7879) in an NCR FastLane SelfServ Checkout(Fixed) unit, follow these steps:


The Scanner cable is pre–routed along the floor of the Scanner bucket and up to the Terminal Display during the manufacturing process.

  1. If replacing an existing Scanner/Scale, remove the Scanner/Scale. For more information, refer to Removing the Scanner/Scale (7879e).
  2. Connect the scanner cable to the USB Client port on the RealScan 79 (7879).

    Ensure that the SelfServ Checkout unit is turned off before connecting the USB cable.

  3. Place the Scanner/Scale in the Scanner bucket.

  4. Lower the Scale Plate as shown below:

  5. Insert the Scanner Shroud over the top of the vertical scanner window.


    The Scanner/Scale must be calibrated before the system goes live.