Generating an encrypted key

To generate an encrypted key, follow these steps:

  1. Plug a USB dongle into one of the USB ports on the computer.

    Make sure the USB dongle is valid and unexpired.

  2. Double-click the PML Remote Key Generator Tool. If the following are true, the PML Remote Key Generation Tool window is displayed.
    • The dongle authentication library file exists in the same location of the tool.
    • The USB dongle is plugged in.
    • The USB dongle is not expired.

  3. Set the expiration limit of the encrypted key in the Expiry (Minutes) spin box. The default value is 15 minutes. The maximum value that can be set is 60 minutes.
  4. Select Generate Key. The encrypted key is displayed in the Encrypted Key field.

  5. To save the key, do one of the following:
  • Highlight the encrypted key text and then press CTRL + C from the keyboard.
  • Select the Save To File button, and then browse for the location where the file will be saved.

    The default file name is PMLRemoteKey.txt. Change the file name if needed.