Thai Character configuration

The character cell of Thai character is made up of a maximum 4 parts—Top level, Above level, Base line and Below level.)

  • Top Level—places the Top level characters only. Top level character is placed on the Above characters.
  • Above Level—places the Above level characters only. The Above level character is placed on the Base line characters.
  • Base Line—places the Base level characters and Low code characters.
  • Below Level –places the Below level characters. The Below level character is placed under the Base line character.

Below mentions about each character type.

Base line characters
  • Base line characters are the characters encircled in red, purple, and pink.
  • The characters encircled in purple will not have below level characters, but they are rarely used.
  • The characters encircled in pink will not have top level and above level. Only the character is rarely used.
  • Every character encircled in red and purple must have a top and below level.
Top level/Above level characters
  • Characters encircled in blue are Top level/Above level characters.
  • Characters encircled in red and purple, and the character can be both top and above level.
  • The characters encircled in blue on the fifth line can be top level when above level character exists. The fourth line characters encircled in blue can be above level only. The fifth line characters encircled in blue can be both top and above level.
Below level characters
  • Characters encircled in green are Below level characters. It is impossible that the top, above and below characters are in one character.