User Information

During the course of operation the user or supervisor may need to identify some pertinent information such as the present status, or the meaning of an error code. With previous products this requires locating the information on a Quick Reference card or in a printed document – User Guide. Unfortunately these documents are not always readily available.

A new method of locating specific User Information is available for the NCR 7879 product. Should an error code be displayed, the user can scan the Quick Reference Code (QR Code) with their Smart Phone. A User Information document displays making it easy to locate the meaning of the Error Code and the corrective action to take. Other information is also available through the User Information document. Following is the QR Code being used.

There are many free QR Code Reader apps available for Smart Phones. Some work much better than others; some are easier to use than others. NCR recommends installing a QR Code Reader app that automatically opens the User Information document, and at full screen size.

The QR Code is located underneath the Top Plate. The specific location depends on the NCR 7879 model.