Scale Warning Codes

Scale Warning Codes are displayed on the 7-segment diagnostic displays, which are visible inside the Vertical Scan Window. When an error is detected, the 7‑segment displays show letter and number messages one character at a time.


The information in the following table is for reference only. For more information, contact your service provider.

Warning CodeWarning TypeDescriptionRecommended Action
U12Scale Failed to Zero on Scale Zero Button Press

The scale failed to find a zero weight reference when the Scale Zero button was pressed. The scale will zero if the weight on the Top Plate is within +/- 2% of maximum weight measurement capacity, and stable (that is, no motion on the Top Plate). This is +/‑ 0.6 lb (+/‑ 0.3 kg) depending on the programmed unit of weight.

The allowable zeroing weight limit of 0.6 lb and 0.3 kg is configurable. For more information, refer to Maximum Scale Zeroing Weight Limit (Parameter #1366).

Press the Scale Zero button.
U13Scale Outside of Zero Drift Threshold

The zero reference drifted beyond 80% of the initial zero setting range of ‑5% to +15% (‑0.9 lb to +3.9 lb, or ‑0.4 kg to +1.9 kg) maximum weight measurement capacity, relative to the zero weight reference found at a no load legal scale calibration.

This is an advisory indicating that the scale will soon require a recalibration.

It can sometimes be cleared by scanning the Scale Reset parameter bar code, repowering the scale, or leaving the scale on from a cold power start for more than 10 minutes. If this persists, recalibrate the scale.

  • The error is triggered if a weight greater than 4.5 lb (2.25 kg) is left on the weighing surface while the scale comes up from a reset or cold power start. To clear the error, remove the weight from the weighing surface.
  • The error is triggered if the scale resets, or upon a cold reset of the NCR 7895 system, and the Top Plate is not installed. To clear the error, re‑install the Top Plate.
U14Scale is Out of Calibration

The scale must be legally calibrated before it becomes operational. There are three reasons:

  • The scale can no longer find a zero weight reference at power up, after a weight is removed from the Top Plate during normal operation, or when pressing the Scale Zero button.

    The scale software does not remove the scale from calibration under these conditions if it was already legally calibrated. This is a very visible condition for users to troubleshoot. The Scale Display does not show 0 (zero) reading from power-up, or after pressing the Scale Zero button with no load on the Top Plate.

  • A new scale was installed in the NCR 7895.
  • A new NCR 7895 shipped from a factory to an installation that requires calibration at place of scale use.
Calibrate the scale.
U15Scale OfflineThis is an internal error in the NCR 7895 scanner/scale unit, and in most cases, a Scale Communication Error U22 is reported before this error.
  1. Verify the connection of the Scale Cable to the scale and Main PCB Board.
  2. Replace the Scale Cable.
  3. Replace the Main PCB Board.
  4. Replace the Scale Assembly.

For details, contact NCR Support at

U22Scale Communication Error

This is a failed communication between the NCR 7895 scanner PCB and the scale device. There are three issues that can cause this fault condition:

  • Circuitry on the NCR 7895 scanner PCB failed.
  • Internal cable between scanner PCB and the scale device is faulty.
  • Internal circuitry on the scale device is faulty.
  1. Verify the connection of the Scale Cable to the scale and Main PCB Board.
  2. Replace the Scale Cable.
  3. Replace the Main PCB Board.
  4. Replace the Scale Assembly.

For details, contact NCR Support at

U23Scale Display Communication Error

This is a failed communication between the NCR 7895 PCB and the Scale Display. There are three issues that can cause this fault condition:

  • The Scale Display configuration parameter is enabled and no Scale Display is connected to the NCR 7895 scanner/scale. For scale parameters, refer to the NCR 7895 Scanner/Scale Bar Code Programming Guide (BCC5‑0000‑5516) or to Scale Configuration.
  • Display circuitry on the NCR 7895 PCB failed.
  • The Scale Display cable between the NCR 7895 PCB and the Scale Display is faulty, or the internal circuitry of the Scale Display is faulty. The Scale Display and cable are a single Field Replaceable Unit (FRU).
Replace the Scale Display.

For details, contact NCR Support at

U24Scale Motion Fault

This condition occurs when the scale detects constant motion on the weighing surface for an extended duration of time. This is a latched fault, meaning the NCR 7895 needs to be powered off, the problem fixed, and the NCR 7895 powered back on. There are three possible reasons for this fault condition:

  • The scale was improperly installed, or is mechanically bent or damaged where it cannot achieve a stable weight condition.
  • The scale or the Top Plate is pressed up against a fixed object and its free motion is inhibited.
  • Debris is lodged under one or more of the over travel stop screws.

Remove and re-seat the scale. If the error persists, replace the scale.


For details, contact NCR Support at