Understanding the Start and Stop Sentinel tab

The options in the Start and Stop Sentinel tab are provided below.

Choose Sentinel Type

This property sets the sentinel type to configure and enables its corresponding Prefix/Suffix sentinel collection box.

  • Prefix or start sentinel (default)
  • Suffix or stop sentinel

Choose Category

This property filters out the keys displayed on the sentinel table.

  • All (default)
  • Letters
  • Numerics
  • AlphaNumerics
  • Non-AlphaNumerics

The following images shows a set of active keys when AlphaNumerics category is selected.

Sentinel Table

This property displays all supported sentinel keys. Each key has its corresponding size depending on the break code and make code combination.

When a key is selected, it is added to its corresponding prefix or suffix sentinel collection box.


Keys having a size greater than the available size is disabled after selection (available size depends on the selected sentinel). From the figure above, the Pause key is disabled after selecting the a key. The Pause key has a size of 8 bytes and the available size for prefix sentinel is only 6 bytes.

Prefix Sentinel Collection Box

This property displays selected prefix sentinel keys, and is enabled only if prefix sentinel is selected on the Choose Sentinel dropdown list. Keys are added from left to right.

Suffix Sentinel Collection Box

This property displays selected suffix sentinel keys and is enabled only if suffix sentinel is selected on the Choose Sentinel dropdown list. Keys are added from left to right.

Remove Sentinel Item Button

This property removes the selected item from the selected Sentinel Collection Box. Button name changes according to the selected sentinel type.

Free Space Label

This property displays the available space (in bytes) for each sentinel type.

Left–Right Arrow Button

This property moves the selected item on its respective sentinel collection box to the right, middle, or left depending on the current position of the selected item. This is enabled only if the number of items added is greater than 1.


Keys in the Sentinels Table are disabled if their size is greater than the available size of the selected sentinel type. Refer to the Free Space label below each Sentinel type Collection Box for the available size.