Installing the NCR DSR Enterprise Server Utilities on the Messaging Server

The NCR DSR Enterprise Server Utilities include the following required utilities:

  • NCR Data Setup—creates the Advanced Store databases remotely
  • NCR RabbitMQ Setup—creates the NCR RabbitMQ infrastructure

To install the NCR DSR Enterprise Server Utilities, follow these steps:

  1. On the Messaging Server, run the NCR DSR Enterprise Server.msi installer. The application displays the Welcome screen.
  2. Select Next. The application displays the Destination Folder screen.


    The sample image displays the default destination path. If necessary, select Change to specify your destination path.

  3. Select Next. The application displays the Custom Setup screen.

  4. Select the Utilities icon to display a drop-down menu.

  5. Select This feature will be installed on local hard drive.
  6. Select This feature will not be available for the following features:
    • Web Server
    • Application Server
  7. Select Next. The application displays the Core Database Connection screen.

  8. Use the following table to provide the correct values for the Core Database Connection screen.

    This step is crucial to the installation of the NCR Advanced Store Enterprise Solutions components. The database connection strings ensure that the distributed servers point to the correct Database Server and SQL instance, if applicable. Failure to accurately set up the database connection strings could result in miscommunication between the distributed servers.

    Field nameValue
    Core database server

    Enter the DNS name or the IP address of the Enterprise Database Server.

    Use the following format:

    <SQL Server Name>, if SQL Server was installed as a default instance.


    <SQL Server Name\Instance Name>, if SQL Server was installed as a named instance.

    Login IDEnter the SQL user name that NCR processes will use during execution.
    PasswordEnter the password associated with the login ID.
    Name of database catalog Leave the default database names as displayed.
  1. After entering the details in all the Database Connection screens, select Next. The application displays the Rabbit MQ Server Setup screen.

  2. Use the following table to provide the correct values for the RabbitMQ Server Setup screen.
    Field nameValue
    Computer Name or IP of Rabbit MQ ServerEnter the computer name or the IP address of the Messaging Server, where the RabbitMQ Server application is installed.
    RabbitMQ Server Port

    Depending on the security protocol used in the system, use one of the following port numbers:

    • 5672use this port number if the system will use AMQP protocol to communicate with the RabbitMQ Server application. This is the default protocol used in Advanced Store systems when communicating with the RabbitMQ Server.
    • 5671use this port number if the system will use AMQPS protocol to communicate with the RabbitMQ Server application.
    This system is TLS EnabledSelect this check box if the system will communicate with the RabbitMQ Server application using AMQPS protocol.
  3. Select Next. The application displays the Ready to Install the Program screen.
  1. Select Install. When the installation is completed, the application displays the InstallShield Wizard Completed screen.
  2. Select Finish. The application exits the installation wizard.