Modifying help text content

To customize the content of an existing help text file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the %PROGRAMFILES%\NCR\AdvancedStore\POS\Help\Base directory.
  2. Open the help text file using a text editor.
  3. Modify or add to the content as preferred.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Launch the POS application. Go to the screen with the modified help text and select the Help (question mark) button. Verify that the updated help text is displayed.

Pre-set help text files

Upon installation, the POS application creates help text files in the Base folder and assigns them to specific screens. The following table describes the corresponding screen assigned to each pre-set help text file.

Help text file name Screen Reference
ApplicationGlobalComp.SelectTransactionTypeView.Help.txt Transaction Types screen The Transaction Types screen is the first screen the POS application displays after an associate signs on.
CheckTenderComp.EnterMICRData.Help.txt Check Tender Menu screen The Check Tender Menu screen is displayed when accepting a checks as payment to a transaction. For more information, refer to Processing check payments.
GiftCardTenderComp.GiftCardAccountView.Help.txt Card Account Number screen The Card Account Number screen is displayed when accepting a gift card as payment to a transaction. For more information, refer to Accepting gift cards and merchandise cards.
InfoFormCollectionComp.InfoFormFieldRendererView.CustomerLookupView.Help.txt Customer Lookup screen The Customer Lookup screen is displayed when looking up customers. For more information, refer to Looking up customers.
MemberManagerComp.ReceiptPreferenceView.Help.txt Receipt Preference screen The Receipt Preference screen is displayed after tendering a transaction. On this screen, the customer is asked to choose which receipt printing option they prefer.
SaleTransactionComp.SaleMainMenuView.Help Sale Main Menu screen The Sale Main Menu screen is displayed when starting a sales transaction.
Tendering.TenderMenuView.Help.txt Tender Menu screen The Tender Menu screen is displayed when choosing a payment option for a transaction. For more information, refer to Accepting Payments.
WebOrderPickupComp.WebOrderSearchView.Help.txt Web Order Search screen The Web Order Search screen is displayed when looking up the store’s web orders. For more information, refer to Understanding the Web Order Pickup Function.