Tender Setup

The following table describes the Tender Setup options.

Option nameValueDefault valueDescription
Allow Cash Back in a Debit TransactionYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to allow cash back in a debit transaction.
Automatic Tender IDA numeric value from zero to 99(None)Specifies the tender type that is primarily displayed during tendering.

Charge tenders are supported.

Configurable Folder Location for SAF Files


This parameter is blacklisted.

An alphanumeric value from zero to 500 characters(None)

Specifies the folder location of the SAF token files after the SAF tenders are processed when the payment authorizer is back online. The POS application processes the token files when the POS is idle or at the end of the transaction.

Credit Application Transaction AvailabilityOne or more of the following options:
  • Sale
  • Return
  • Stand-Alone Credit Application
Sale, CreditApplicationDetermines the transaction types where the Credit Application global button will be available. For example, to enable Credit Application from outside a merchandise transaction, configure the Stand-Alone Credit Application transaction type. A transaction type should not be selected if Credit Application should not be enabled on any of the transaction types.

At least one credit application record must be active for this parameter to take effect.

Currency RoundingYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to allow currency rounding and adjust amounts for refund or change due.
Denomination RoundingA numeric value from zero to 9995Specifies the denomination to which amounts are rounded up or rounded down.
Display Remaining Gift Card BalanceOne of the following values:
  • Always
  • Cashout Balance Only
  • Never
NeverDisplays the remaining gift card balance information message when the card is approved.
  • Always—displays the gift card balance information message.
  • Cashout Balance Only—displays the gift card balance and cash out gift card amount information message based on the Force Cashout Amount parameter.
  • Never—hides the gift card balance information message.

The gift card balance should be greater than the tendered amount.

Enable Card Not Present Button (CNP)

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoNoDisplays or hides the Card Not Present button.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Enable Card Not Present Button (CNP) for Gift Card SalesYes/NoYesDisplays or hides the Card Not Present button for gift card sales.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Enable Card Not Present Imprint Reminder Message (CNP)Yes/NoNoDisplays the imprint reminder message when a credit card number is manually entered.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Enable Cash Tender Rounding LogicYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to allow the POS application to apply the rounding cents from the final cash tender to satisfy the balance due and complete the transaction. This parameter works in conjunction with the Currency Rounding parameter.
Enable Instant Credit Automatic Tender for Gift Card Sales Yes/NoYesDetermines whether to allow gift card purchase when a new house card is automatically used as tender in the same sale transaction.
Enable Instructional Popup MessageYes/NoNoDisplays or hides the information message to insert or swipe the following cards on the PIN pad:
  • Debit cards
  • Credit cards
  • Gift cards
  • Promo cards
  • Merchandise cards
Enable Purchase Order Form Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the Purchase Order Information screen is displayed during a purchase order transaction. Associates are asked to enter the Organization and Organizarion # information.
Enable Use Card Button to Tender Gift Card SalesYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to enable Use Card button on the House Account Lookup Results screen during tendering.
How to Proceed if Whitelist Service is OfflineOne of the following values:
  • Disable
  • OK with Local validation
  • OK with previous Whitelist validation
DisableDetermines how to proceed if Whitelist Service is offline.
Justification of digits in Bin RangeAn alphanumeric value from zero to 20 charactersLeft-JustifiedSpecifies the justification of digits in Bin Range.
Maximum Number Of Credit CardsA numeric value from zero to 995Specifies the maximum number of credit cards allowed in a transaction.
Number of digits in Bin RangeA numeric value from zero to 996Specifies the number of digits in Bin Range.
Post Void Eligibility TimeA numeric value from zero to 9999, or blank(None)Specifies the maximum allowable time, in minutes, when a transaction can be post voided. A blank value for this parameter indicates that there are no restrictions for post voiding a transaction.
Restricted Credit Card Type for Warranty Payment PlansA comma-separated list of alphanumeric values from zero to 1024 characters(None)Determines restricted credit card types for warranty payment plans.
Stop Post Void Transaction When First Authorization Reversal FailsYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to cancel an attempted post void transaction from completing if the first authorizable tender or media fails to void.
Terminal Idle Time To Clear SAF QueueA numeric value from zero to 9999, or blank(None)Determines the number of seconds the terminal can be idle before attempting to clear the SAF queue when no associate is signed on. A blank value disables the idle time SAF processing.
Training Mode Default Authorization Response

This parameter is blacklisted.

One of the following values:
  • Approved
  • Denied
  • Referred
ApprovedDetermines the Training Mode default authorization response.
Training Mode Uses Authorization Response Data

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to use the Training Mode Authorization Response Data or the Training Mode Default Authorization Response.
Validate Pin pad serial number against CMOS valueYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to validate the PIN pad serial number against CMOS value.
Validate Pinpad serial number against WhitelistYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to validate the PIN pad serial number against Whitelist.
Visually Verify Credit Card SignatureYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to require the associate to verify signatures for credit card transactions.