Change Due Setup

The Change Due Setup options are configurable for Currency tender types and Media tender types.

The following table describes Change Due Setup options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary.

Option nameValueDescription
Above Threshold Overpayment OptionsComma–separated numeric values of up to 255 charactersDefines the Tender IDs of the tenders displayed on the Change Due menu when the Overpayment Threshold parameter value is exceeded.

If the Above Threshold Payment Options is left blank when handling Gift Certificate tenders, the POS application forfeits the change due.

Below Threshold Overpayment OptionsComma–separated numeric values of up to 255 charactersDefines the Tender IDs of the tenders displayed on the Change Due screen when the Overpayment Threshold parameter value is not exceeded.

If the Below Threshold Payment Options is left blank when handling Gift Certificate tenders, the POS application forfeits the change due.

Overpayment ThresholdA numeric value from zero to 999999999Provides the threshold amount that determines the tender options offered for change due balance when over-tendering with the tender in a sale transaction.

If the Overpayment Threshold parameter is left blank, the POS application distributes the change due in the local currency.

Tender IDA numeric value from zero to 99

Provides the two–digit unique identifier of the tender type.

This parameter is the record's key.

Default Data
Tender IDOverpayment ThresholdAbove Threshold Overpayment OptionsBelow Threshold Overpayment Options
1500011, 501
21500011, 501
3150011, 501, 11
40500011, 501
41500011, 501