
The Check options are configurable for the Check tender type in Media tender types.

The following table describes the Check options.

Option nameValueDefault valueDescription
Bank Account Number For Check EndorsementA numeric value from zero to 80 characters99999999999999900Specifies the store bank account number for check endorsements.
Bank Name For Check EndorsementAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 charactersFNB OF GEORGIADescribes the name of the bank the store uses for check endorsements.
Check Payee NameAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters–NCR Advanced Store–Describes the payee name printed for check face printing.
Display Authorization CodeYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS displays the check authorization code after tendering the check amount.
Enable Check Face PrintingYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not check tendering allows face printing.
Maximum Number Of ChecksA numeric value from zero to 9993Specifies the maximum number of checks allowed in a transaction.
Minimum Check NumberA numeric value from zero to 999150Specifies the minimum check number allowed without Manager Override.
Multiple Checks AllowedOnly allow 1 check tender (0)/Allow multiple check tenders (1)1Determines the maximum number of checks the POS allows to be used as tender.
Print Decline ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS automatically prints a chit when the check authorization request is declined.
Print Void Tender ChitA numeric value from zero to 99(None)Determines whether or not a void chit has to be printed at the end of a check tender. The value for this parameter is the tender ID used to set for electronic checks.