
The following table describes the Member options.


After deploying changes to any of these parameters to the POS, reboot the updated POS terminals for the changes to take effect.

Option nameValueDefault valueDescription

Allow Not Found Member

Yes/NoNoAllows a member to be added to the transaction when the member is not found in Logix, or when the Customer ID is provided in the lookup and the POS is offline to the external system.
Allow Offline Alternate IDYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to allow member lookup using an alternate ID, such as a phone number or e-mail address.
Default Promo Customer ID In Customer LookupA numeric value from zero to 99999999999999999999, or blank(None)

Provides a default loyalty customer ID that authorized associates can use to apply loyalty promotions and pricing to eligible items during a sales transaction. The default customer ID can be used by an authorized associate when the customer is not a loyalty member or does not wish to enroll in the loyalty program. Defining this parameter displays the Courtesy Member Override button on the Customer Lookup screen. When this parameter is left blank, the Courtesy Member Override button is not displayed.

Default Promotion ID in Offline Customer LookupA numeric value from zero to 99999999999999999999, or blank(None)

Provides a default loyalty customer ID that allows associates to apply loyalty promotions and pricing on eligible items to non-loyalty members during a sales transaction when the POS application is offline.

Enable 3rd Party Email Validation

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoNoEnables third-party validation for e-mail addresses.

Although this parameter is blacklisted and cannot be modified, retailers can enable third–party email validation by adding SAEmailValidator to the Validator field of the Email record in the Information Field Definitions parameter group. For more information, refer to Information Field Definitions.

Enable 3rd Party Phone Number Validation

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoNoEnables third-party validation for phone numbers.

Although this parameter is blacklisted and cannot be modified, retailers can enable third–party phone number validation by adding SAPhoneNumberValidator to the Validator field of the PhoneNumber record in the Information Field Definitions parameter group. For more information, refer to Information Field Definitions.

Enable Enroll From Member Lookup ResultsYes/NoNo

Determines whether or not the POS application navigates directly to the Enroll Customer screen when a customer who is not a loyalty member is selected from the Member Lookup Results screen. To enable this parameter, the Allow Not Found Member parameter must also be enabled.

Enable Popup Message when a Not Found Member is AddedYes/NoNoDetermines whether the POS application displays an information message when the member added to the transaction is not found in the system.

To enable this parameter, the following parameters must also be enabled:

  • Allow Not Found Member
  • Loyalty Member Information in the Loyalty Options parameter group
Enable Member Lookup by EmailYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to allow member lookup by e-mail address.
Enable Member Lookup by PhoneYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to allow member lookup by phone number.
Enable Member Lookup by Shopping TagYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to allow member lookup by shopping tag.
Enable Member Lookup by Social Security NumberYes/NoNoDetermines whetherr or not to allow member lookup by social security number.
Member Additional Information 1One of the following values:
  • Member ID
  • Phone
  • Member Rewards
  • None
(None)Determines which additional member information the POS application displays on the second line of the member details pane.

To display the value for this option, the POS application uses the format defined in the MemberAdditionalInformation1 record of the Formatter Definitions parameter group.

Member Additional Information 2One of the following values:
  • Member ID
  • Phone
  • Member Rewards
  • None
(None)Determines which additional member information the POS application displays on the third line of the member details pane.

To display the value for this option, the POS application uses the format defined in the MemberAdditionalInformation2 record of the Formatter Definitions parameter group.

Member ID PaddingA numeric value from zero to 9999999999999999999910Specifies the length to pad the member ID that is returned from the UE member lookup response. Padding adds leading zeroes to the member ID to meet the specified member ID length.
Member ID TrimmingYes/NoYesEnables or disables the POS from trimming any leading zeroes in the member ID that is returned from the UE member lookup response.
Print Member Number on ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to print the loyalty member number associated with the transaction on the receipt and in the Electronic Journal (EJ).
Promo Customer ID in Offline Customer EnrollmentA numeric value from zero to 99999999999999999999, or blank(None)

Provides a default loyalty customer ID that allows associates to apply loyalty promotions and pricing on eligible items to newly enrolled members after an offline member enrollment is performed.

Redeem Bonus

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not a bonus amount can be applied to the transaction.
Required Customer Lookup Criteria

This parameter is blacklisted.

One or more of the following options:
  • Customer ID
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Shopping Tag
  • Social Security Number
  • House Account
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Middle Name
  • City
  • Zip Code
(None)Specifies the information fields that are required for a customer lookup.

This option cannot be configured simultaneously with the Additional Fields Required option in Customer Lookup Method.

Social Security Number Maximum Length

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 9912Specifies the maximum length acceptable for the alternate loyalty customer lookup using a social security number.
Social Security Number Minimum Length

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 9910Specifies the minimum length acceptable for the alternate loyalty customer lookup using a social security number.