Cash Drawer

The following table describes the Cash Drawer options.

Option nameValueDefault valueDescription
Cash Drawer Open TimeoutA numeric value from zero to 999120Indicates the maximum number of seconds the POS allows the cash drawer to remain open. When the duration is exceeded and the cash drawer is still open, the POS application displays an information message that the cash drawer should be closed.
High Cash Drawer LimitA numeric value from zero to 99999999930000Specifies the maximum amount of cash that can be stored in a cash drawer before the high cash drawer alert is triggered.

This option assumes two decimal places.

Insufficient Cash Funds in DrawerOne of the following values:
  • Continue
  • Cancel Tender
  • Continue and Cancel Tender
3Allows or prevents transactions from causing the terminal Tender Totals Cash in Drawer amount to be a negative value.
  • 1—Continue only
  • 2—Cancel Tender only
  • 3—Both (Continue and Cancel Tender)
Low Cash Drawer LimitA numeric value from zero to 9999999995000Specifies the minimum amount of cash that can be stored in a cash drawer before the low cash drawer alert is triggered.

This option assumes two decimal places.

Open Cash Drawer On Post VoidYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application opens the cash drawer when post-voiding a sale or return transaction paid with cash.
Require Scan Peripheral StationYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application requires the associate to scan a peripheral station in order to claim devices.