Local Customization

The following table describes the Local Customization options.

Option name Value Default value Description
Allow both US States and Canadian Provinces for Drivers License Yes/No No Determines whether or not to show both the states and provinces in the driver’s license view.
Available Cash Denominations A comma-separated list of numeric values from zero to 255 characters 100,500,1000,2000,5000,10000 Determines the suggested cash tender amounts displayed on the Cash screen.

This option assumes two decimal places.

Bag Fee PLU Number An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters 13131313131311 Specifies the PLU for the Bag Fee.
Bag Fee Type Yes/No 0 Enables bag fees.
  • 1Yes
  • 0No
Country Max Length

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 2 Specifies the country maximum length.
Display POS Subtotal Field Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not to display the subtotal value in the subtotal area of the POS views.
Display Tax Totals on Tender Report

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not to display the various tax totals on the terminal totals Tender Totals report.
Enable Boleta Sale

This is blacklisted parameter.

Yes/No No Enables the Boleta Sale button on the Transaction Types screen.
Enable Puerto Rico Lottery Yes/No No Determines whether or not to generate and print the Puerto Rico Lottery code on the receipt.
Postal Code Character Set Text

This parameter is blacklisted.

An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters 01234567890



Specifies the postal code character set text.
Postal Code MaxLength

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 10 Specifies the postal code maximum length.
Postal Code MinLength

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 5 Specifies the postal code minimum length.
Prompt For State Yes/No Yes Enables or disables the prompt for state.
Puerto Rico Lottery Processor Identifier Code An alphanumeric value from zero to nine characters (None) Defines the Processor Identifier Code, combined with a control code, to generate the Puerto Rico Lottery code.
Sign On Message An alphanumeric value from zero to 500 characters By signing onto this register, you will be responsible for every transaction while signed in. You should sign out prior to leaving the register. Defines the text that is displayed on the sign on and unlock views.

Leaving the value blank removes the text from the views.

Start of Transaction Notification Message An alphanumeric value from zero to 500 characters   Defines the reminder text that is displayed on the POS at the start of every sales transaction. By default, the value is left blank.
State Display Text An alphanumeric value from zero to 20 characters State Defines the state display text.
State Max Length

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 2 Specifies the state maximum length.
Store Country Code An alphanumeric value from zero to eight characters. US Specifies the code for the country in which the store resides.
Store Country Subdivision Code An alphanumeric value from zero to two characters WA Specifies the code for the country subdivision (State or Province) where the store is located.
Telephone Character Set Text

This parameter is blacklisted.

An alphanumeric value from zero to 20 characters 01234567890–() Specifies the telephone character set text.
Telephone MaxLength

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 20 Specifies the telephone maximum length.
Telephone MinLength

This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 99 10 Specifies the telephone minimum length.
Transaction Total Rounding Method A drop–down list with the following options:
  • Standard
  • Ceiling
  • Floor
Standard Defines the method used to round the transaction total value.
Transaction Total Rounding Value One of the following values:
  • 0
  • 5
  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
0 Defines the rounding value used in the transaction total rounding method.
Use Default Printer for Reports Yes/No Yes Determines if the Windows default printer will always be used to print reports.