Gift Card Types

The Gift Card Types options are configurable for the Gift Card tender type in Charge tender types.

The following table describes the Gift Card Types options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary. This parameter group has a maximum limit of 99 records.

Option name Value Description
Card Type Identifier An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the card type of the corresponding Credit Card Tender ID.
Credit Card Tender ID A numeric value from zero to 99 characters Specifies the credit card tender ID of the corresponding card type.
Entry Method Prompt For PIN One of the following values:
  • None
  • All
  • Keyed
  • Swiped
  • Scanned
  • Keyed, Scanned
  • Keyed, Swiped
  • Swiped, Scanned
Determines the entry methods that require PIN entry.
Disable Bypass PIN Entry Button Yes/No Determines whether or not the Bypass PIN Entry button is displayed on the POS.
Maximum Gift Card Account Length A numeric value from zero to 99 characters or blank Specifies the maximum accepted length of the card account number.
Minimum Gift Card Account Length A numeric value from zero to 99 characters, or blank Specifies the minimum accepted length of the card account number.
Range end prefix A numeric value from zero to 20 characters Defines the range end prefix for identification of card types.
Range start prefix A numeric value from zero to 20 characters Defines the range start prefix for identification of card types.
The unique ID for this type A numeric value from zero to 99

Specifies the unique ID for the gift card type. This option also determines the order that the POS uses to evaluate the gift card BIN range when looking for a matching gift card.

This parameter is the record's key.

Default Data
The unique ID
for this type
01 02 03 04 05
Card Type Identifier GiftCard SampleGiftCard SVSGiftCard MerchCard PromoCard
Credit Card Tender ID 11 0 0 8 54
Disable Bypass PIN Entry Button No No No No No

Entry Method Prompt For PIN

Keyed Keyed Keyed Keyed Keyed

Maximum Gift Card Account Length

(None) (None) (None) (None) (None)
Minimum Gift Card Account Length (None) (None) (None) (None) (None)
Range start prefix 11000 81180 603740 705740 605150
Range end prefix 11009 81199 603749 705749 605150