Loyalty Options

The following table describes the Loyalty options.

Option name Value Default value Description
Allow Enroll When Customer Not Found Yes/No No

Determines if the POS application displays the Enroll Customer screen directly after a customer lookup or displays an enrollment confirmation message when no customers are found that match the search criteria.

  • Yes—the POS application navigates directly to the Enroll Customer screen when no search results are found.
  • No—the POS application displays a message asking the associate if they want to proceed to the Enroll Customer screen when no search results are found.
Allow Enroll When Offline Yes/No No Enables associates to enroll a customer to a loyalty program when the POS application is offline.
Allow to add Instant Membership without Confirmation on Pin Pad Yes/No Yes Enables associates to continue an instant membership sale without having customers confirm using the PIN pad. This parameter displays or hides the Continue button on the instant membership disclaimer message on the POS application.

When this parameter is disabled, associates can only continue with the transaction after the customer has confirmed using the PIN pad.

Confirm Member Update Information Yes/No No

Determines whether or not the Member Confirmation screen displays on the POS application after the associate updates the member's information.


When the POS is integrated with a PIN pad device, the member can verify the information and confirm the details on the PIN pad.

Confirm New Member’s Details When Enrolling Yes/No No

Determines whether or not the Member Confirmation screen displays on the POS application when enrolling a customer.


When the POS is integrated with a PIN pad device, the member can verify the information and confirm the details on the PIN pad.

Customer Confirmation Prompts Yes/No No Enables the POS application to display a member confirmation message after selecting the Pay button when there is no member added to the transaction.
Customer ID Prompt Criteria One or more of the following options:
  • Customer ID
  • Email Address
  • Shopping Tag
  • Zip Code
  • Social Security Number
  • House Account
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Middle Name
  • City
Email, Phone number Defines the search criteria to be used to prompt for Customer ID when the POS application is offline.
Customer Prompt First Yes/No No Enables the POS application to display the Customer Lookup screen before starting a sales transaction.
Default to POS for: Member Lookup, Enroll, Receipt Preference, Email, Phone and Zip Yes/No No Determines whether or not to use the POS application, instead of a PIN pad, as the default entry method for member lookup, loyalty enrollment, receipt preference, and demographic data entry.
  • Yes—uses the POS as default.
  • No—uses the PIN pad as default.
Disable Print Member Info On Receipt Yes/No No

Disables the POS from printing the member's information on the receipt when the Loyalty Member Information parameter is enabled and a loyalty member is added to the transaction. The member information is only displayed on the POS screen, but not printed on the receipt.

Disclaimer Text For Member Details On PINPad An alphanumeric value from zero to 500 characters By providing your email address you are enrolling in [fill in the blank] Display a disclaimer text for customer validation on the Member Confirmation screen on the PIN pad device. The Member Confirmation screen displays after updating member information or after enrolling customers.

To enable this parameter, the following parameters must also be enabled:

  • Confirm Member Update Information—enable this parameter to display the Member Confirmation screen with the disclaimer text on the PIN pad after updating a member's information.

  • Confirm New Member's Details When Enrolling—enable this parameter to display the Member Confirmation screen with the disclaimer text on the PIN pad when enrolling customers.

Enable Fraudulent Customer Verification Yes/No No Enables fraudulent customer verification during Customer Lookup. When this parameter is enabled and the customer added is fraudulent, an authorized override is required to add the customer to the transaction.
Enable Member Lookup on Exchange Yes/No Yes Enables the POS application to perform a loyalty member lookup in exchange transactions.
Enable Member Lookup on Receipted Not Found and Offline Returns Yes/No No Enables the POS application to look up and add members to the following return transaction types:
  • receipted returns processed for sales transaction that are not found in the database
  • receipted returns processed offline
Enable Member Update Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Member Update button on the Loyalty Member Information screen of the POS application.
  • Yes—displays the Member Update button on the Loyalty Member Information screen. When selected the associate can update member information.
  • No—hides the Member Update button on the Loyalty Member Information screen. The associate will not be able to update member information.
Enable New Member Enrollment in Sale Yes/No Yes Enables the POS application to process new member enrollments during a sales or exchange transaction where an existing member has been added.
Enable Print Member Information in Member Information View Yes/No Yes Displays the Print Member Information button on the Member Information screen.
Enable Real Time Prescreen Yes/No No Enables the POS application to pre-approve loyalty members for the credit application offer during customer lookup.
Enable Rewards Button In Member Information View Yes/No Yes Displays the Rewards button on the Member Information View.
Enable Skip Loyalty Enrollment Button Yes/No No

Displays the Skip button on the Enroll Customer screen. When the Skip button is selected, the data returned from the Customer Lookup response will be saved in the POSLog.

The following parameters should be enabled to skip enrolling a non-loyalty customer:

  • Enroll Non-member From Search—enable this parameter to display the Enroll Customer screen when a non-loyalty member is found.
  • Allow Enroll When Offline—enable this parameter to enroll a customer when the POS is offline.
  • Allow Enroll When Customer Not Found—enable this parameter to display the Enroll Customer screen when no search results are found.
Enable the Enroll Customer button on the Client Lookup flyout Yes/No Yes Displays the Enroll Customer button on the Client Lookup drop-down pane.
Enroll Non-member From Search Yes/No No

Determines if the POS application displays the Enroll Customer screen directly after a customer lookup or displays an enrollment confirmation message when a customer who is not a loyalty member matches the search criteria.

  • Yes—The POS application navigates directly to the Enroll Customer screen when a customer who is not a loyalty member is found.
  • No—The POS application displays a message asking the associate if they want to proceed to the Enroll Customer screen when a customer who is not a loyalty member is found.
Lookup And Enroll New Cardholders Yes/No No Determines if the POS application performs a lookup to ensure new cardholders are loyalty members. If the new cardholder is not a member yet, the cardholder is enrolled automatically.
Loyalty Enrollment PED Yes/No No Enables customers to enter member information for loyalty enrollment using the PIN pad device.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Loyalty Information PED Yes/No No Enables customers to enter their loyalty information on the PIN pad device depending on the loyalty lookup criteria selected.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Loyalty Member Information Yes/No No

Specifies whether the POS application should display the Member Information screen or a confirmation message when a loyalty member is found during a customer lookup.

  • Yes—The POS application displays the Member Information screen when a loyalty member is found during a customer lookup or selected from the Member Results screen.
  • No—One of the following occurs when a loyalty member is found during a customer lookup or selected from the Member Results screen.
    • Inside a transaction: the POS application displays a message asking the associate if they want to add the member to the transaction.
    • Outside of a transaction: the POS application adds the member to the Client Lookup pane.
Loyalty Rewards PED Yes/No No Enables the PIN pad device to display the customer’s loyalty rewards.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Maximum Authorizable Coupons A numeric value from one to 99 (None) Determines the maximum number of authorizable coupons that can be applied in one transaction.

When the value is left blank, the POS application disables this feature and does not allow authorizable coupons to be applied to sales transactions.

Maximum Rewards A numeric value from zero to 99 5 Determines the maximum number of rewards that can be applied in one transaction.
Max Member Lookup Results A numeric value from one to 999 50 Defines the maximum number of lookup results.
Member Enrollment Confirmation Prompt Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not the POS application displays a confirmation message that prompts associates to add new members to a transaction immediately after enrollment.
Member Information Fields One or more of the following values:
  • Completed Profile
  • Customer ID
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • PLCC Holder
  • Last Name
  • Member Instructional Text
  • Number of Available Rewards
  • Opt-In Email
  • Opt-In Text
  • Phone Number
  • Phone Type
  • Points Balance
  • Point to Next Reward
  • Program Tier ID
  • Redeemable Points
  • Use Points
First Name,Last Name,Customer ID,Program Tier ID,Points Balance,Point to Next Reward, Number of Rewards Determines which fields are displayed on the Member Information screen.
Offline Customer ID Prompt Yes/No No Determines whether or not to prompt for customer ID when any of the alternate lookup criteria defined in the Customer Prompt Criteria parameter is used during an offline Customer Lookup.
Prescreen Credit Application Name An alphanumeric value from one to 30 characters


Prescreen Credit Application Determines which credit application scheme is followed when the real-time prescreen offer is accepted.

This parameter value must match one of the values configured for the name of the application in the Credit Application parameter.

Prescreen Offer Method Message/View View Determines whether or not the Prescreen offer is an associate message or a separate view.
Prescreen Offer Transaction Availability One or more of the following values:
  • Sale (1)
  • Return (2)
  • Customer Lookup (49)
1 Determines the transaction types where Real Time Prescreen is enabled.

The Enable Real Time Prescreen option must be set to Yes. A credit application name has to be mapped to Prescreen Credit Application Name, and at least one credit application record must be configured to Active.

Training Instant Membership ID A numeric value from one to 9999999999999999 (None)

Determines the instant membership ID to be used when the POS application is in training mode.

Transaction-Level Discount Points Increment A numeric value from zero to 9999 250 Specifies the increment of the member's reward balance that can be applied as a transaction-level discount. This parameter works in conjunction with the Use Points feature from the Member Information screen.