Information Field Definitions

The following table describes the Information Field Definitions options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary.

Option name Value Description
Alternate ID An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters

Specifies the alternate ID accepted for the information field.

  • 0—Primary Member Card
  • 3—Alternate Identifier
  • 4—Username
  • 5—Associate Id
  • 6—Email Address
  • 7—Secondary Member Card
  • 8—House Account Card
Custom Input Data An alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters

Specifies the customized input data.

Sample valid value:

  • PrintOnReceipt=true—specifies that the field and its value is printed on the transaction receipt.
  • PrintOnReceipt=false—specifies that the field and its value is not printed on the transaction receipt. This applies to items with ItemBasedPromptSchemes product attributes only. For more information, refer to Adding Product Attributes.

This parameter accepts multiple values separated by a comma.

Custom Input Type One of the following values:
  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Alpha
  • DropDown
  • PhoneNumber
  • Selection
  • Date MMDD
  • Date MMYY
  • Country
  • CountrySubdivision
  • AlphaNumeric
  • Decimal
  • Email
  • DateTime
  • Date
  • Time
Specifies the data type of the field.

The following parameter records support only Date as the value for Custom Input Type:

  • Birthdate
  • DateOfBirth
  • DateOfPurchase
  • DriversLicenseExpiryDate
  • EventDate
  • ExemptionExpiration
  • Expiration
  • PickupDate
  • TrainingReturnStartDate
  • TrainingStartDate
Display Text An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Specifies the name of the field to display on the POS application. This is the user-friendly name corresponding to the Field ID parameter in this group.
Entry Method One of the following values:
  • None
  • Swipe
  • Scan
  • Scan and Swipe
Determines what the POS application accepts as the entry method for the field.
  • None (0)—Allow key-in entry only.
  • Swipe (1)—Allow swipe entry only.
  • Scan (2)—Allow scan entry only.
  • Scan and Swipe (3)—Allow scan and swipe entry only.
Field ID An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters

A unique identifier for a field used to collect information from the customer. The field label for this field is defined in the Display Text parameter in this group.

Field IDs ending in "WithPED" are intended for fields that collect information exclusively from the PIN Pad.

This parameter is the record's key.

Input Mask An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characte

Specifies the masking format for the information entered in the field. For example, fields collecting social security numbers will display only the last four digits of the social security number, and the initial portion of the number will be masked.

Sample value:

  • Last4
Internal Storage Name An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Specifies the internal name of the field in which the data will be stored on the POS.
Is Masked Yes/No Specifies if this field should display its information masked.
Is PED Only Yes/No Determines whether or not the POS application only allows input for the field using a PIN pad device.
Linked Field to PED Data Field An alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters

Specifies the linked variable data field defined for the PIN pad device. For more information about configuring the screens of PIN pad devices, refer to Configuring the PIN Pad View States.

Sample values:

  • AddressLine1
  • PhoneNumber
Maximum Length A numeric value from zero to 99 characters Specifies the maximum length for data entered into the field.
Minimum Length A numeric value from zero to 99 characters Specifies the minimum length for data entered into the field.
PED Input Field An alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters

Specifies the name of the PIN pad screen on which the customer information form is displayed. For more information about configuring the screens of PIN pad devices, refer to Configuring the PIN Pad View States.


This parameter accepts multiple values separated by a comma.


<ViewChain name>.<startingView>.

Sample values:

  • MemberEnrollment.FirstName
  • MemberEnrollment.EmailScreen
Validator An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters

Specifies the validator used to validate the input.


This parameter accepts multiple values separated by a comma.

Sample values:

The following values can enable third–party validation for retailers using SAIL.

  • SAEmailValidator—This value enables the validation of third–party e-mail addresses.
  • SAPhoneNumberValidator—This value enables the validation of third–party phone numbers.
Validator Data An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters

Specifies the data that will be used for validation.

Sample values:

  • Match=^((?! and ).)*$—This value enables the POS application to customer name data entered using a PIN pad device.
  • “Match=^@.{30,}$”—This value enables the POS application to accept the following barcode formats:
    • PDF417
    • 2D barcode
    • Other driver’s license barcode formats that do not start with @ and have fewer than 30 characters
Default Data
Field ID Internal Storage Name Display Text Mini
mum Length
mum Length
Custom Input Type Input
Custom Input Data Validator Validator Data Is Masked Linked Field to PED Data Field Is PED Only PED Input Field Entry Method Alternate ID
Address1 Address1 Address Line 1 0 30 Any (None) (None) WhiteSpaceValidator (None) No AddressLine1 No (None) 0 (None)
Address2 Address2 Address Line 2 0 30 Any (None) (None) WhiteSpaceValidator (None) No AddressLine2 No (None) 0 (None)
AssociateID (None) Associate ID 0 32 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
BagNumber BagNumber Bag Number 8 8 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
BagSealNumber BagSealNumber Bag Seal Number 8 8 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Birthdate DateOfBirth Birthdate 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) PreviousDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
BusPhoneNumber BusinessPhoneNumber Business Phone Number 10 20 PhoneNumber (None) (None) PhoneNumberValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890-(),AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber No BusinessPhoneNumber No (None) 0 (None)
CardHolderName CardHolderName Card Holder Name 0 80 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator,WhiteSpaceValidator Match=^((?! and ).)*$ No CardHolderName No (None) 0 3
CareGuide CareGuide Care Guide 0 20 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator "Match=^(400522301812).*" No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
City City City 0 20 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) WhiteSpaceValidator (None) No City No (None) 0 3
CNPIDType PersonalIDType ID Type 0 16 DropDown (None) idset=CardNotPresentTender PersonalIDTypePOSLog (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ConfirmationNumber ConfirmationNumber Confirmation # 10 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Country Country Country 0 2 Country (None) altid=Country (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
CreditSSNLast4WithPED SocialSecurityLast4 Last 4 Digits of SSN 4 4 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No SSN No HouseAccountCreditAppPromptSSNLast4.PromptSSNLast4 0 (None)
CustomerID CustomerId Customer ID 10 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No CustomerId No LookupSelect.LoyaltyNumber 3 0
CustomerIDFieldLink CustomerId Customer ID 10 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No CustomerId No LookupSelect.LoyaltyNumber 0 0
DateofBirth (None) Date of Birth 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) PreviousDateValidator, MinimumAgeValidator MinimumAge=18 No DateOfBirth No (None) 0 (None)
DateofBirthMMDD (None) Date of Birth 3 5 MonthDate (None) (None) BaseDateFieldValidator (None) No DateOfBirth No (None) 0 (None)
DateofBirthMMDDWithPED DateOfBirthMMDD Date of Birth 3 5 MonthDate (None) (None) BaseDateFieldValidator (None) No DateOfBirthMMDD No MemberEnrollment.DateOfBirthMMDD 0 (None)
DateOfPurchase (None) Date of Purchase 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrPreviousDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
DepositBagNumber DepositBagNumber Deposit Bag # 10 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
DepositSlipNumber DepositSlipNumber Deposit Slip Number 10 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
DestinationName ExternalFinancialEntityName Destination 0 35 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
DriversLicenseExpiryDate DriversLicenseExpiryDate Driver's License Expiry Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
DriversLicenseIssuingState DriversLicenseIssuingState Driver's License Issuing State 0 2 CountrySubdivision (None) altid=CountrySubdivision CountrySubdivisionValidator ReferenceField=Country No State No (None) 0 (None)
DriversLicenseNumber PersonalIDNumber Drivers License 5 25 Any (None) (None) WhiteSpaceValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Email Email Email 0 60 Email (None) (None) EmailValidator AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedEmailAddress No Email No (None) 0 6
EmailWithPED Email Email 0 60 Email (None) (None) EmailValidator AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedEmailAddress No Email No MemberEnrollment.EmailScreen 0 (None)
ESN ESN ESN 11 11 Any (None) (None) CharacterSetValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
EventDate (None) Event Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ExemptionExpiration ExemptionExpiration Expiration 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Expiration ExpirationDate Expiration 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ExpireDateMMYY ExpirationDate Expiration Date 3 5 MonthYear (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
FirstName FirstName First Name 0 27 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator Match=^((?! and ).)*$ No FirstName No (None) 0 3
FirstNameWithPED FirstName First Name 0 27 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator Match=^((?! and ).)*$ No FirstName No (None) 0 (None)
HomePhoneNumber (None) Home Phone Number 10 20 Phone Number (None) (None) PhoneNumberValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890-(),AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber No HomePhoneNumber No (None) 0 (None)
IMEI IMEI IMEI Capture 15 17 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
InventoryItemCode upc Item Code 0 14 Numeric (None) key=uniquekey (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
InventoryItemSize size Item Size 0 16 Any (None) key=sizeDescriptions (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
InventoryItemStyle style Item Style # 0 16 Any (None) key=productStyles (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
InventoryItemSearchRange range Distance 0 3 Numeric (None) prefillparam=POSInventory.DefaultInventorySearchDistanceParameter (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
InventoryZipCode location Zip Code 5 10 Any (None) prefillparam=POSInventory.LocatorPostalCodeParameter CharacterSetValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - No ZipCode No (None) 0 3
Issuing Country PersonalIDCountry Issuing Country 0 2 Country (None) altid=Country (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
IssuingState PersonalIDState Issuing State 0 2 CountrySubdivision (None) altid=CountrySubdivision CountrySubdivisionValidator ReferenceField=Country No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemCode ItemCode Item Code 0 14 Numeric (None) key=uniquekey (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemColor ItemColor Item Color 0 16 Any (None) key=colorDescriptions (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemDepartment ItemDepartment Item Department 0 16 Any (None) key=departmentDescription (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemDescription ItemDescription Item Description 0 35 Any (None) key=longDescription (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemSize ItemSize Item Size 0 16 Any (None) key=sizeDescriptions (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemStyle StyleNumber Item Style # 0 16 Any (None) key=productStyles (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ItemVendor ItemVendor Item Vendor 0 16 Any (None) key=vendorCodes (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LastName LastName Last Name 0 28 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator,WhiteSpaceValidator Match=^((?! and).*$ No LastName No (None) 0 3
LastNameWithPED LastName Last Name 0 28 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator,WhiteSpaceValidator Match=^((?! and).*$ No LastName No MemberEnrollment.LastName 0 (None)
LocalReceiptMessage1 LocalReceiptMessage1 Local Receipt Message 1 0 44 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LocalReceiptMessage2 LocalReceiptMessage2 Local Receipt Message 2 0 44 Any (None) (None)


(None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LocalReceiptMessage3 LocalReceiptMessage3 Local Receipt Message 3 0 44 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LocalReceiptMessage4 LocalReceiptMessage4 Local Receipt Message 4 0 44 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LocalReceiptMessage5 LocalReceiptMessage5 Local Receipt Message 5 0 44 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
LookupEmailWithPED Email Email 0 60 Email (None) (None) EmailValidator AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedEmailAddress No Email No LookupSelect.EmailScreen 0 6
LookupPhoneNumberWithPED PhoneNumber Telephone 10 20 PhoneNumber (None) (None) PhoneNumberValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890-()AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber No PhoneNumber No LookupSelect.PhoneNumber 0 3
MicrosoftSN SerialNumber Serial Number 12 12 Numeric (None) (None) RegexValidator, Microsoft "Match=\b\d{10}[01345]\d{1}\b" No (None) (None) (None) 1 (None)
MicrosoftXBOXSN SerialNumber Serial Number 14 14 Numeric (None) (None) RegexValidator "Match=\b\d{10}[01345]{1}\d{3}\b" No (None) (None) (None) 1 (None)
MiddleName MiddleName Middle Name 0 25 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator,WhiteSpaceValidator Match=^((?! and).)*$ No (None) No (None) 0 3
MilitaryIDNumber PersonalIDNumber Military ID 25 25 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Nintendo11SN SerialNumber Serial Number 11 11 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator, Nintendo11 "Match=\b[a-z,A-Z]{2}(\d){9}\b" No (None) (None) (None) 1 (None)
Nintendo14SN SerialNumber Serial Number 14 14 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator, Nintendo14 "Match=\b[a-z,A-Z]{3}(\d){11}\b" No (None) (None) (None) 1 (None)
NoOfBags NoOfBags # Bags 0 9 Numeric (None) (None) NoOfBagsAllowed (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Note CustomNotes Note 0 99 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Organization Organization Organization 0 24 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
OrganizationNumber OrganizationNumber Organization # 0 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
PassportNumber PassportNumber Passport Number 25 25 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
PersonalID PersonalID ID Number 3 25 Any (None) (None) PersonalIDFieldValidator ReferenceField=PersonalIDType, ValidationSchemeID=PersonalIDFieldLink No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
PersonalIDType (None) ID Type 0 25 Selection (None) idset=NonReceiptedCustomerIdTypes PersonalIDTypePOSLog (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
PetAdoptionGroup PetAdoptionGroup Adoption Group Info 5 6 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
PetAdoptionKit PetAdoptionKit Pet Adoption Kit 12 14 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
PetSalesRecord PetSalesRecord Pet Sales Record 0 20 Any (None) (None) RegexValidator "Match=^(040050638013).*" No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
PhoneNumber PhoneNumber Telephone 10 20 PhoneNumber (None) (None) PhoneNumberValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890-(),AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber No PhoneNumber No (None) 0 3
PhoneNumberWithPED PhoneNumber Telephone 10 20 PhoneNumber (None) (None) PhoneNumberValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890-(),AuthOverride=ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber No PhoneNumber No MemberEnrollment.PhoneNumber 0 (None)
PickupDate PickupDate Pickup Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator (None) No PreScreenNumber No (None) 0 (None)
PreScreenNumber CreditPreScreenNumber Pre Screen Number 12 12 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ReceiptDepositDate ReceiptDepositDate Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrPreviousDateValidator (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ReceiptNumber ReceiptNumber Receipt Number 34 34 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
ResidentAlienID (None) Resident Alien ID 8 8 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
ReturnReasonText AdditionalText Additional Detail 0 99 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
RxNumber RxNumber Rx Number 1 20 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
ServiceInvoice ServiceInvoice Service Invoice 1 8 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
ShoppingTag ShoppingTag Shopping Tag 16 16 Numeric (None) (None) RegexValidator Match=^6037437[0-9]*$ No (None) No (None) 0 3
SocialSecurityNumber SocialSecuritynumber Social Security Number 0 25 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No SSN No (None) 0 3
SoldByEmployee (None) Sold By Employee 0 25 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
SourceName ExternalFinancialEntityName Source 1 35 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
SSNFullWithPED SocialSecurityNumber Social Security Number 9 9 Numeric Last4 (None) (None) (None) No SSN No HouseAccountCreditAppPromptFullSSN.PromptSSNFull 0 (None)
SSNLast4WithPED SocialSecurityLast4 Last 4 digits of SSN 4 4 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No SocialSecurityLast4 No MemberEnrollment.SocialSecurityLast4 0 (None)
State State State 2 2 CountrySubdivision (None) altid=CountrySubdivision CountrySubdivisionValidator Country No State No (None) 0 (None)
StateCode State Issuing State 2 2 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
StateIssuedID (None) State Issued ID 8 8 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
StreetNumber (None) Street Number 0 25 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No StreetNumber No (None) 0 (None)
TaxExemptID CertificateNumber Tax Exempt ID 0 25 AlphaNumeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
TrainerFirstName TrainerFirstName Trainer's First Name 1 20 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
TrainingReturnStartDate TrainingReturnStartDate Training Start Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) PastOrFutureDateValidator FutureDaysLimit=365 No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
TrainingStartDate TrainingStartDate Training Start Date 0 10 DateOnly (None) (None) TodayOrFutureDateValidator FutureDaysLimit=120 No (None) No (None) 1 (None)
ZipCode ZipCode Zip Code 5 10 Any (None) (None) CharacterSetValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - No (None) No (None) 0 3
ZipCodeWithPED ZipCode Zip Code 5 10 Any (None) (None) CharacterSetValidator ValidCharacterSet=01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - No ZipCode No MemberEnrollment.ZipCode 0 (None)
Sample Data

The following table provides sample records that can be used to support different POS features according to each retailer's needs.

Related POS feature Field ID Internal Storage Name Display Text Mini
mum Length
mum Length
Custom Input Type Input
Custom Input Data Validator Validator Data Is Masked Linked Field to PED Data Field Is PED Only PED Input Field Entry Method Alternate ID
Band Use Tax Exemption StatusCard ExemptionId Status Card 1 10 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) Yes (None) (None) (None) 0 (None)
Enhanced Paid In PONumber NonMerchandiseAdditionalInfo PO Number 1 35 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Enhanced Paid In ReasonCode NonMerchandiseAdditionalInfo Reason Code 1 35 DropDown (None) DepositCheck=Deposit Check;Supply=Supply Purchase (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Enhanced Paid In VendorName NonMerchandiseAdditionalInfo Vendor Name 1 35 Any (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Enroll Customer Screen OptInEmail OptInEmail Opt-In Email 0 10 DropDown (None) Yes=Yes;No=No (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Enroll Customer Screen OptInText OptInText Opt-In Text 0 10 DropDown (None) Yes=Yes;No=No (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Enroll Customer Screen PhoneType PhoneType Phone Type 0 10 DropDown (None) Mobile=Mobile;Home=Home;Work=Work (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Item Activation SerialNumber SerialNumber Serial Number 5 14 Numeric (None) (None) (None) (None) No (None) (None) (None) 1 (None)
Member Information Update OptInEmail OptInEmail Opt-In Email 0 10 DropDown (None) Yes=Yes;No=No (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Member Information Update OptInText OptInText Opt-In Text 0 10 DropDown (None) Yes=Yes;No=No (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)
Member Information Update PhoneType PhoneType Phone Type 0 10 DropDown (None) Mobile=Mobile;Home=Home;Work=Work (None) (None) No (None) No (None) 0 (None)