Item Setup

The following table describes the Item Setup options.

Option name Value Default value Description
Allow Non-Numeric Commission ID When Offline Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not non-numeric commission associate ID is allowed when POS is offline.
  • Yes—accepts alphanumeric values on the Commission Associate screen.
  • No—accepts only numeric values on the Commission Associate screen.
Allow Not on File Items Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not associates are able to add not-on-file items to the transaction.
Commission Associate Excluded Roles A comma-separated list of numeric values of up to 255 characters 100 Specifies the associate roles excluded from receiving commission associate credit in sales transactions.
Commission Sales Associate Yes/No Yes Specifies whether to support associate commission selling.
  • Yes—enables associate commission selling.
  • No—disables associate commission selling.
Commissioned Associate Description An alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters

Select items then enter associate number or select Remove. Select Done to finish.

Describes the text that is displayed on the Commission Associate screen.
Commissioned Associate Label An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Commission Associate Describes the text that is displayed in the Commission Associate button.
Commissioned Associate Title An alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters Commission Associate Describes the text that is displayed for the screen title of the Commission Associate screen.
Enable Alphanumeric Keyboard Yes/No No Enables or disables the alphanumeric keyboard on the POS application.
Enable Department List Button Yes/No Yes Enables or disables the Department List button.
Enable Dividends Yes/No No Enables the dividend feature in sales and return transactions.
Enable Instant Membership Yes/No No Enables instant membership.

When this feature is enabled, the Enroll Customer feature is disabled.

Enable Instant Membership When Offline Yes/No No Enables instant membership when the POS is offline to the instant membership service.
Enable Item Count for Non-Merchandise Items Yes/No No Enables non-merchandise items, such as gift cards, instant membership SKUs, and service fees, to be counted in the # of Sale Items section in the POS status bar.
Enable Print Address Button in Inventory Search Yes/No Yes Enables the Print Address button on the Locate Item Results screen. This prints the store location.
Enable UBC Yes/No No Enables the UBC (Unique Bar Code) feature in both Sale and Return transactions.
Enable Zero Priced Not on File Items Yes/No No Enables zero-priced not-on-file items to be added to a transaction.
Image URL Prefix An alphanumeric value from zero to 255. (None) Defines the prefix of the URL link for the item images displayed in the Item Options panel and in the merchandise menu and quick menu buttons.
Image URL Suffix An alphanumeric value from zero to 255. (None) Defines the suffix of the URL link for the item images displayed in the Item Options panel and in the merchandise menu and quick menu buttons.
Image URL Format An alphanumeric value from zero to 255. (None) Specifies the format for the URL link for the item images displayed in the Item Options panel and in the merchandise menu and quick menu buttons.
Instant Membership SKU An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters 400000000015 Indicates the SKU used to represent the instant membership.
Maximum Items Returned From Inventory Search A numeric value from one to 99 25 Determines the number of items displayed on the Search Inventory Results screen.
Maximum Items Returned From Lookup A numeric value from one to 99 25 Specifies the maximum number of items that the system will return as the result of an item lookup.
Non-Dividend-Eligible Discount Percentage A numeric value from zero to 99 15 Determines the total discount percentage that will cause the dividend-eligible item to become non-dividend-eligible.
Non-Dividend-Eligible Item Clearance Attribute Values A comma-separated list of numeric values of up to 255 characters 1, 2 Determines the item clearance attribute values that will make the item non-dividend-eligible.
Notify If Current Location Has Inventory Yes/No No Determines whether or not an associate is notified if a merchandise item is in stock in the store when locating it.
POSLog Cross Reference Key Yes/No No Determines whether the cross-reference key is captured in the POSLog for each line item.
Prior Year Dividend SKU A numeric value from one to 9999999999999999 17171717171717 Determines the SKU that represents the value defined in the Prior Year Dividend Value parameter.
Prior Year Dividend Value An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters 10 Determines the value that will be used to adjust the refund amount of return transactions that occur after the date specified in the Dividend Refund Amount Adjustment Cutoff Date parameter.
Prompt for Commission Associate Yes/No No Determines whether or not the POS prompts for the commission associate at the beginning of a sales transaction.
Recalculate Keyed 8-digit Barcode Yes/No No Enables the validation for the check digit algorithm used for 8-digit item bar codes that were keyed in the POS.
Recalculate Scanned 8-digit Barcode Yes/No No Enables the validation for the check digit algorithm used for 8-digit item bar codes that were scanned with a bar code scanner.
Require Reason for Deleting an Item Yes/No Yes Determines whether or not a reason is required to delete an item.
Transaction Line Item Threshold A numeric value from zero to 9999 500 Specifies the threshold limit for the number of line items permitted in a sale, return, or exchange transaction.

When the item line threshold has been reached or exceeded, the following message is displayed in the POS application: The transaction item line count threshold has been reached. No more items can be added or voided. Please complete the transaction.