Configuring the PIN Pad View States

Configuration files are specific to the PIN pad model. The files are identified with the following file name: DeviceManagerPinPad[PIN pad model].xml.

The PIN pad configuration files are intended for the PIN Pad Manager to drive the PIN pad device without constant application interaction. This permits the application to instruct the PIN pad manager to head down a path and report back with data when a task is completed.

These configuration files define all the paths that the PIN pad can traverse and what data should be reported back to the application. The following section describes the design of the PIN pad configuration file. This information resides in the DeviceManagerPinPad[PIN pad model].xml file and is validated by the PinPad.xsd schema file.



Contains all PIN pad data. Validation of this tag is performed against the DeviceManager.xsd schema file. All attributes except two are part of all devices. The following are the two exceptions:
  • pinpadDevice
  • startupViewChain


Specifies the PIN pad hardware.


Specifies the view chain to execute when the PIN pad is initialized.

This tag contains zero or more <ViewChain> tags.


Specifies a path consisting of one or more views that the PIN pad manager can traverse when instructed by the application. This is the outer tag used to encapsulate a series of Views to be run by the PIN pad manager.


Describes the name of the view chain used by the application when instructing the PIN pad.


Describes the name of the first view (entry view) contained within this view chain for the PIN pad manager to display.

This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or more <View> tags
  • Zero or more <TerminatingView> tags


Specifies an interaction point between the PIN pad and the customer. A view gathers and/or displays information to the customer. A view always has a path to another view or terminating view.


Describes the name of the view used by <ViewChain> and other views for indicating the flow.


Describes the name of the form to show on the PIN pad devices. The form should have been previously loaded on the PIN pad.


Indicates whether the view chain can be interrupted by the application while processing this view.

Default value: true


This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or one <DataFields> tag to describe the variables being displayed on this view.
  • One <Terminators> tag to describe how to exit this view.
  • Zero or more <RetainData> tags to describe what data should be saved from this view for distribution to the application at a later time.
  • Zero or one <SignatureBox> tags to describe the position of an optional signature box of this view.


Specifies an interaction point between the PIN pad and the customer. A terminating view displays information to the customer and distributes information gathered throughout the view chain to the application. A terminating view is the final view in a view chain. The only way to leave a terminating view is for the application to start a new view chain.


Describes the name of the view used by <ViewChain> and other views for indicating the flow.


Describes the name of the form to display on the PIN pad devices. The form should have been previously loaded on the PIN pad.

This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or one <DataFields> tags to describe the variables being displayed on this view.
  • One <DeviceGeneratedData> tag to describe the information passed back to the application through the Input Manager.


Specifies variable data fields that are to be displayed on a PIN pad’s view or terminating view. No attributes are defined.

This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or more <Variable> tags to describe variables that display on a view.
  • Zero or one <ListBox> tags to describe list boxes that display on a view.


Specifies individual variables that are to be displayed on a PIN pad’s view or terminating view.


Describes the name of the variable on the PIN pad form. This must match the variable name on the form being displayed for the current view.


Describes the logical name of the data as specified in the UI bridge. This name is used to retrieve the physical data from the UI data stream.


Specifies the variable and text data fields that are to be displayed in <ListBox> that is contained within the current PIN pad’s <View> or <TerminatingView>.


Describes the name of the list box on the PIN pad form. This must match the <ListBox> name on the form being displayed for the current view.


Describes the logical name of the data feed as specified in the UI Bridge. This name is used to retrieve the physical data from the UI data stream.

This tag contains one or more <ListBox.Source> tags to describe the contents of the list box.


Describes the contents of the list box displayed on the current view.

This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or more <Variable> tags to describe variables that display on a view.
  • Zero or more <Text> tags to describe list boxes that display on a view.


Specifies individual text values that are to be displayed on the list box for a PIN pad view or terminating view.


Describes the physical text to be displayed.


Indicates the column where this information is to be displayed in a list box.


Identifies all the possible ways in which the current view can be terminated. No attributes are defined.

This tag contains the following:

  • Zero or one <MsrSwipe> tags indicating the MSR can terminate the view.
  • Zero or more <SoftButton> tags indicating touch buttons can terminate the view.
  • Zero or more <HardButton> tags indicating physical PIN pad buttons can terminate the view.
  • Zero or one <SignatureCapture> tags indicating a signature can terminate the view.


Indicates that the MSR is to be activated for the current view and that it can terminate the current view.


Indicates the view that displays with a successful MSR swipe. This is only valid if the binLookup attribute is false.


Indicates that the PIN pad manager should fire an event requesting a BIN lookup upon a successful MSR swipe.

Default value: true


This tag contains zero or more <BinLookup> tags indicating the flow after an application BIN lookup. This is ignored if the binLookup attribute is false.


Identifies a path for the PIN pad manager to flow based upon the results of a bin lookup.


Indicates one of the valid BIN lookup responses.

Valid values: DontKnow, Credit, Debit, Both, StoreCard, Other, Other2, Other3


Indicates the view that displays within the current view chain for the indicated response.


Identifies a path for the PIN pad manager to flow based upon the pressing of a touch button on the PIN pad.


Describes the name of the button as defined within the PIN pad’s form.


Indicates the view that displays within the current view chain.


Identifies a path for the PIN pad manager to flow based upon successful gathering of a signature.


Indicates the view that displays within the current view chain.


Identifies any data to be retained from the current view for later sending to the application as part of the current view chain’s terminating view.

Data used to terminate a view is always saved for possible later use. This should only be used for gathering form data and such that did not terminate a view.


Describes the name of the data to be used later for identification of information to be sent to the application.


Identifies the name of the field on the form containing the requested data.


Identifies the type of field on the form containing the data.

Valid values: Textbox, Checkbox, RadioButton


Identifies where a signature box should be drawn on the current form. This also activates the signature capture function on the PIN pad device. All values are in units as specified by the PIN pad device.


Defines the starting column of the signature box.


Defines the starting row of the signature box.


Indicates the width of the signature box.


Indicates the height of the signature box.


Identifies the data that is to be passed back to the application through the input manager for the current terminating view. All data is given in the form of an InputTuple for InputManager to pass to events at a later time.


Identifies the termination key to be used for this data. This is used in ProcessControl for flow and processing.


Identifies the data to be passed as input data to the events. This name is either the name attribute of earlier processed RetainData tag or it is the terminating data as specified by the ViewName.Terminator syntax.

This tag contains zero or more <AdditionalData> tags indicating data that is to be added to the InputTuple.


Identifies the additional data to be included in the InputTuple passed back to the application through InputManager for the current terminating view.


Describes the name associated with the given additional data field.


Identifies the data to be passed as input data to the events. This name is either the name attribute of earlier processed RetainData tag or it is the terminating data as specified by the ViewName.Terminator syntax.

Using compatible PIN pad devices with payment solution

The POS application supports the use of payment solutions with compatible PIN pad devices. During transactions, the POS connects to the payment solution and not directly to the PIN pad device. The payment solution then sends the transaction information to the PIN pad device for display or for customer interaction.

When connected to a payment solution, the PIN pad displays views depending on the POS transaction. The following views are configurable using the DeviceManagerPinPad[PIN pad model]VSCM.xml file:

  • Welcome screen
  • Thank You screen

To configure the PIN pad views when connected to a payment solution, consult with an NCR Representative.