Managing Associate Information

Use the POS Associate Management feature to manage associate information.


The Associate Management feature includes the following functions.

Add AssociateAdding an associateCreates new associates and adds them to the store. 
Search AssociateSearching for an associateSearches for associate information.
Delete AssociateDeleting an associateDeletes the associate. 
Update AssociateUpdating associate informationUpdates the associate’s information. 
Change RoleUpdating associate informationModifies the associate’s job role. 
Reset PasswordUpdating associate informationResets the associate’s password. 
Change PasswordChanging the associate passwordChanges the password of the associate who is currently signed on.
Unlock AssociateUnlocking an associate’s user accountUnlocks an associate’s account. 


The Associate Management feature applies the following restrictions:

  • Associate information is limited to the local store only. Thus, associate information for a store cannot be searched for from other stores across the enterprise.
  • Associate information on the POS is automatically updated with the data received from the enterprise.
  • By default, only authorized associates, which include managers, can add and delete associates and update associate information.
  • The user roles that are currently signed on to the POS application can only add associates and update the associate information of their subordinates. For example, a manager can only add and update a cashier but cannot add another manager nor update the information of another manager.
  • By default, cashier roles are limited to searching for associates, viewing associate profiles, and changing the password of the associate who is currently signed on.
Configurable features

The POS application can be configured with the following features.