Replacing the POS Screen Background Image

The POS screen displays a default watermark image in the background. There are two files used for the POS screen watermark, one for portrait orientation and one for landscape orientation. Retailers can replace both background watermark files with their own images. The following properties in the Control.Config.xml file are used to configure the background image on the POS screen.

  • Graphic—sets properties for the landscape, or default, background image.
  • GraphicPortrait—sets properties for the background image when a POS device is used in portrait mode.

The background image displayed on the Customer Information Display (CID) can also be changed. The following properties in the UIManager.CIDConfig.xml file are used to configure the background image on the CID terminal.

  • LogoBackground—sets properties for the landscape, or default, background image.
  • LogoBackgroundPortrait—sets properties for the background image when a CID device is used in portrait mode.

This task uses the following files.

File nameFolder




Retailer's background image file%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NCR\AdvancedStore\POS\HtmlPsxClient\i

To customize the POS screen background using a watermark image, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the POS application has not been started.
  2. Paste the background watermark image file in the following directory:


  3. Open the Control.Config.xml file and locate the following properties under the GraphicsControl control type.
    • Graphic
    • GraphicPortrait
  4. Replace the file name value in both the Graphic and GraphicPortrait properties with the names of the new image files. Modify any additional property values for the POS screen background as needed.

  5. Save the file.
  6. Open the UiManager.CIDConfig.xml and UiManager.Config.sample.xml files.
  7. Locate the Images group in each file and modify the following config elements, this time defining the value for the image file name only.
    • LogoBackground
    • LogoBackgroundPortrait

  8. Save the configuration files.
  9. Delete any old watermark image files.
  10. Log into the POS application to verify that the changes have been applied.