Changing the POS Function Icons

Retailers can replace the images used for the POS screen function icons and change their color.

This task uses the following files.

File nameFolder




To replace the function icon image files, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the POS application has not been started.
  2. Open the UiManager.Config.sample.xml file locate the TitleHelp group. Identify the Config name of the icons that you want to change. For example, locate HelpBtnIcon and SearchBtnIcon.

  3. Copy all Config name lines corresponding to the icon configurations that you want to modify to the UiManager.Config.xml file. Paste these lines before the closing </UiManagerConfiguration> tag.
  4. Modify the values for the button's background color, foreground color, or Font Awesome glyph name. For example, changing the value "fa-lightbulb-o" to "fa-question" changes the magnifying-glass icon to a question mark.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Start the POS application, and then verify that the changes have been applied.