Verifying Intel® AMT Using MeshCommander

  1. Download the MeshCommander tool from and install it on another computer.
  2. Open the MeshCommander tool.
  3. Click the Add Computer button to add a new computer.
    1. In the Add Computer window, enter the following:
    2. Click OK.

  4. Click on your AMT motherboard’s IP Address in the Computer Management list then click the Connect button.

    This will take about 5-10 seconds to connect. If unsuccessful, the button will revert to “Connect”. If successful, the button will change to “Disconnect”.

  5. Check that all AMT features listed below are present and verify that features are working properly.
    • System Status
    • Remote Desktop (on i5 processor only)
    • Serial-over-LAN
    • Hardware Information
    • Event Log
    • Audit Log
    • Storage
    • Network Settings
    • Internet Settings (on i5 processor only)
    • Security Settings
    • Agent Presence
    • System Defense
    • User Accounts
    • Subscriptions
    • Wake Alarms
    • Script Editor
    • WSMAN Browser
  6. In the list of Intel AMT features, select System Status and record the details.

  7. Under System Status tab, click the Power Actions button.
    1. In the Power Actions window, verify that the AMT motherboard will respond properly to the following remote power commands:
      • Power up
      • Power cycle
      • Power down
      • Reset
    2. Record the results.

  8. In the list of Intel AMT features, select Remote Desktop.
  9. Under the Remote Desktop tab, click the Connect button.

    If the video is distorted (like image below), click on Settings and set Image Encoding to RLE16, Recommended.

  10. While remote desktop session is running, verify that the remote video, keyboard, and mouse work.
    1. On the desktop, right-click and create a new Text Document.
    2. Double-click the document to open.
    3. Test keypresses to ensure the correct keystrokes are being sent to the remote desktop.
  11. In the list of Intel AM T features, select Network Settings.
  12. In the Network Settings tab, check network settings and record the details.

  13. In the list of Intel AMT features, select Security Settings.
  14. In the Security Settings tab, check security settings and record the details.

  15. In the list of Intel AMT features, select Wake Alarms.
  16. In the Wake Alarms tab, verify the operations of alarm clock.