NCRLoader Service

The SNMP service is dependent on the NCRLoader service running. In the Microsoft SNMP properties under the Dependencies tab, the NCRLoader service should be listed, which is normally set by the RPSW installation as long as the Microsoft SNMP service was installed prior to installing RPSW.

If you install RPSW before you install the Microsoft SNMP Service, you must manually edit the registry to set this dependency. The install sets the following REG_MULTI_SZ Registry Entry:


To manually edit the registry, do any of the following:

On some operating systems, you can just select this value in regedit and add the string NCRLoader to the list.

On other operating systems, you may have to export the current setting to a .reg file, add NCRLoader to the setting in the .reg file, and import the .reg file.

Example of .reg file entry before NCRLoader is added to the setting:


After NCRLoader is added, DependOnService should look like the following:



Note:  This setting may vary from this example if other dependencies are already configured on your system.