NCR OPOS is an industry standards interface for accessing and configuring the retail peripherals. NCR OPOS provides interactive and non–interactive diagnostics for analyzing problems with the peripherals.

NCR OPOS includes the followed components:

Control Objects

NCR Control Objects—1.4 Specification Compliant Control Objects. NCR Controls are listed individually.

Common Control Objects—1.14.1 Specification Compliant Common Control Objects. Common Control Objects are listed individually.

Service Objects

NCR OPOS 2.8—OPOS 1.4 Compliant Services. It supports all terminals. Updates to this feature have been capped. This feature is not being updated as new features are added to the various terminals. For information on the NCR OPOS 2.8 service objects, refer to OPOS 2.8 Controls

NCR OPOS 3.15—OPOS 1.15 Compliant Services. It supports RealPOS 20 (RP20), 30, 70, 80, 80C, and newer terminals. For information on the NCR OPOS 3.15 service objects, refer to OPOS 3.15 Controls


NCR Wedge Configuration Utility—provides a user–friendly interface to configure various devices attached to the keyboard wedge.

Data Capture Viewer—displays trace information from NCR Controls.


Development Tools—provides Include files and tools needed for development.

Form Designer—provides the functionality to design forms in conjunction with the Form Control.

Include Files—includes files for application development.

Event Logging Message Files—event log message DLL files. These files provide additional details in the event logs.

Help Files—OPOS Windows Help File version 2.7. This file is not being updated as new features become available.