Predictive Services
Note: The Predictive Services installation options are no longer available in the RPSW 4.0.1.x and later releases. For these releases, installing the Predictive Services software is possible through a separate LPIN (D370–0955–0100).
Before installing the Predictive Services feature, make sure to install the following software packages on the terminal:
•.Net Framework 3.5 or later
•.Net 2.0 Framework Service Pack 2
•Visual Studio 2005 C Runtime Libraries
The following are the components of the Predictive Services software:
•Unified Agent Service
•Problem Determination Collection (PDC)
•Unified Agent Log Collector
•Retail Collectors for Unified Agent
The UALog Collector component is installed as part of the RPSW installation package.
The packages of the other three components, Unified Agent Service, PDC, and Retail Collectors for Unified Agent, are extracted and ready for installation after the RPSW install process. These packages are found in the NCR APTRA directory of the install folder.
Example: C:\Program Files\NCR APTRA
After installing RPSW, install the following three components manually in the following order:
•Unified Agent Service
•Retail Collectors for Unified Agent
For more information, refer to the following sections:
•Installing Problem Determination Collection (PDC)