Closing the Kiosk

The key is partially pulled out of the keyhole

If the key is still attached to the keyhole but is partially pulled out, as stated in

Opening the Kiosk, follow these steps:

1.Close the Upper Module Door.

a.Gently close the door.

Caution:  Ensure that no cables are pinched.

b.To lock the door, completely insert the key into the keyhole, turn the key counterclockwise (CLOSE position) until it is parallel to the Display front surface, and then remove the key.

2.Close the Lower Module Door.

a.Rotate the door upward to gently close it.

Caution:  Ensure that no cables are pinched.

b.To lock the door, completely insert the key into the keyhole, turn the key counterclockwise (CLOSE position) until it is parallel to the Lower door top angled surface, and then remove the key.

The key is completely out of the keyhole

If the key is completely removed from the keyhole, follow these steps:

1.Close the Upper Module Door.

a.Turn the key clockwise (OPEN position) and close the door.

Caution:  Ensure that no cables are pinched.

b.To lock the door, turn the key counterclockwise (CLOSE position) until it is parallel to the Display front surface, and then remove it.

2.Close the Lower Module Door.

a.Turn the key clockwise (OPEN position), and rotate the door upward to close it.

Caution:  Ensure that no cables are pinched.

b.To lock the door, turn the key counterclockwise (CLOSE position) until it is parallel to the Lower door top angled surface, and then remove it.