Custom Text Templates

The following table describes the Custom Text Templates options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary. This parameter group has a maximum limit of 999 records.

Option name Value Description
Configurable Formatter ID An alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters Specifies other formatting instructions applied to the receipt message. The value must exist in the Configurable Formatter ID parameter of the Formatter Definitions parameter group.

Sample values:

  • WrapAndCenterReceiptText
  • WrapReceiptText
Custom Text Template An alphanumeric value from zero to 1024 characters Specifies the text of the receipt message. The text template may contain embedded variables and other formatting instructions.

Sample values:

  • {newline}—overrides word-wrapping and starts a new line.
  • {FullName}—identifies the member’s first and last names.
  • {PhoneNumber}—identifies the member’s phone number. The {PhoneNumber} field can be masked adding a Configurable Formatter ID: {PhoneNumber:MemberPhoneMask}.

For more information, refer to Formatter Definitions.

Custom Text Template ID An alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters Identifies the configurable message.

The values in the Custom Text Template ID option should use the same format as the values in the POS Authorization Text Template Naming Scheme and PIN Pad Authorization Text Template Naming Scheme in the Credit Application parameter group.

Default data

Custom Text Template ID Custom Text Template Configurable Formatter ID
HouseAccountLookupResults CardHolder Name: {FullName}{newline}Account: {AccountNumber}{newline}Credit Limit: {CreditLimit}{newline}Available Credit: {AvailableCredit} (None)
HouseAccountLookupResultsNoCreditLimit {FullName}{newline}Account: {AccountNumber}{newline}Available Credit: {AvailableCredit} (None)
HouseAccountMultipleLookUpResultsView CardHolder Name: {FullName}{newline}Account 1: {CardType0} {FormattedAccountNumber0}{newline} AvailableCredit: {AvailableCredit0}{newline}Account 2: {CardType1} {FormattedAccountNumber1}{newline}AvailableCredit: {AvailableCredit1} (None)
POSCreditApplication.approved Name: {FullName}{newline}Address 1: {Address1}{newline}City: {City}{newline}State: {State}{newline}Zip Code: {ZipCode}{newline}Social Security Number: {SSN}{newline}Date of Birth: {DOB}{newline}Home Phone Number: {HomePhoneNumber}{newline}Business Phone Number: {BusinessPhoneNumber}{newline}Email: {Email} (None)
POSCreditApplication.approved-exists Name: {FullName}{newline}Address 1: {Address1}{newline}City: {City}{newline}State: {State}{newline}Zip Code: {ZipCode}{newline}Social Security Number: {SSN}{newline}Date of Birth: {DOB}{newline}Home Phone Number: {HomePhoneNumber}{newline}Business Phone Number: {BusinessPhoneNumber}{newline}Email: {Email} (None)
POSCreditApplication.deferred Unable to process account at this time.{newline}Customer will be notified by mail.{newline}Bank was unable to obtain enough information to process the account at this time. Customer will be notified by mail within 7-10 business days. (None)
POSCreditApplication.exists-authrequired Customer has an existing account.{newline}Does the customer wish to continue with voice procedures?{newline}For authorization of the account call authorizer at {AuthorizerPhoneNumber}. (None)
POSCreditApplication.exists-reactivate Customer has an existing account.{newline}Does the customer wish to continue with voice procedures?{newline}To activate the account call authorizer at {AuthorizerPhoneNumber}. (None)
POSCreditApplication.reference-invalid Bank was unable to obtain enough information from the Credit Reference to electronically process.{newline}Please Press Retry with a different Credit Reference or call authorizer to proceed with the application using Voice Authorization procedures. Phone # {AuthorizerPhoneNumber}. (None)
RemoteCreditApplicationChit INSTANT CREDIT OFFER{newline}{newline}You can pay for today's purchases with a new NCR credit card.{newline}{newline}To apply, simply text CODE 1234 to (999) 999 9999 and follow the instructions on your{newline} phone.{newline}{newline}You'll need the following information:{newline}Member Number: {MemberNumber}{newline}Referring Associate:{AssociateID}{newline}{newline}{newline} (None)

Loyalty marketing message default data

The following Custom Text Template IDs are used for loyalty marketing messages. Enter the values for Custom Text Template and Configurable Formatter ID to enable printing of the loyalty marketing messages on transaction receipts.

Custom Text Template ID Description
LoyaltyMarketingMessageAcceptedOffline Prints the message when a member is added to the transaction but the POS is offline to the loyalty system.
LoyaltyMarketingMessageAttemptedOffline Prints the message during returns where the customer’s Loyalty ID from the original sale was provided from the Returns Management but the POS is offline to the loyalty system.
LoyaltyMarketingMessageEnrolledOffline Prints the message when a new member is enrolled in the transaction but the POS is offline to the loyalty system.
LoyaltyMarketingMessageExistingMember Prints the message when a member is added to the transaction.
LoyaltyMarketingMessageNewMember Prints the message when a new member is enrolled during the transaction.
LoyaltyMarketingMessageNotAMember Prints the message when the transaction is completed with no member added.
LoyaltyMarketingPopupNewMember Specifies the confirmation message text that is displayed on the POS whenever a customer is enrolled in the loyalty membership program.

Tax exemption text default data

The following Custom Text Template IDs are used for tax exemption receipts and the PIN pad signature collection screen.

Custom Text Template ID Custom Text Template Configurable Formatter ID
TaxExempt_SignatureLineText SIGNATURE: {newline}{newline}FOR STORE OFFICE USE ONLY{newline}{newline}{newline}{newline}COMPTROLLER{newline} SIGNATURE: {newline}{newline (None)
TaxExempt_TaxRiderText1 Tax Exempt ID: {CertificateNumber}{newline} Expiration: {ExpirationDate}{newline} Telephone: {PhoneNumber}{newline} Organization: {Organization}{newline} Address: {Address1}{newline} {City}, {State}{newline} {ZipCode}{newline} {Country}{newline} (None)
TaxExempt_TaxRiderText2 I certify that the organization is granted authority from the governing state and local taxing jurisdictions to make purchases, without payment of sales tax, of tangible personal property or taxable services to be used or consumed by the organization itself or to be given away. I understand that if the tangible personal property and/or service is used other than as stated, or for any purpose that is not exempt from the tax, the organization is liable for the state and local sales taxes. I further certify that this purchase is being made with funds directly from the organization. Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information provided is true and correct as to every material matter. WrapReceiptText
TaxExempt_TaxRiderText3 {newline}{SignatureLineText} (None)
TaxExemptCustomerReceiptText TAX EXEMPT ID: {ExemptionId} (None)
TaxExemptLegalTextonPinPad I certify that the organization is granted authority from the governing state and local taxing jurisdictions to make purchases, without payment of sales tax, of tangible personal property or taxable services to be used or consumed by the organization itself or to be given away. I understand that if the tangible personal property and/or service is used other than as stated, or for any purpose that is not exempt from the tax, the organization is liable for the state and local sales taxes. I further certify that this purchase is being made with funds directly from the organization. Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information provided is true and correct as to every material matter. (None)

Sample data

The following table provides sample records that can be used to support different POS features according to each retailer's needs.

Custom Text Template ID Custom Text Template Configurable Formatter ID
ReturnTextOnPinPad This is the sample signature text for returns. (None)