EOM Parameter Staging Command

Retailers can publish a message to the EOM staging queue using the command line. To run the utility using other methods, refer to EOM Parameter Staging.

To publish a message to the EOM staging queue using the command line, follow these steps:

  1. On the Enterprise Messaging Server, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Go to the Utilities directory using the following command:

    cd "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NCR\DSREnterprise\Utilities"

  3. Enter the following command:

    Ncr.Retail.Setup.StoreDataPush.exe -stores <Store name or set> -rabbithost <Enterprise Messaging Server host name or IP address> -RefreshEOMStaging Y -autorun -silent


    Ncr.Retail.Setup.StoreDataPush.exe -stores 111,444..888 -rabbithost -refresheomstaging Y -autorun

The following table describes the elements of the store data push command.

Command-line options Description
Ncr.Retail.Setup.StoreDataPush.exe File name of the utility to run.
-stores 111,444..888 Specifies the store list as comma-separated numbers or as a range.
-rabbithost Specifies the Enterprise Messaging Server host name or IP address.
-refresheomstaging Y Specifies refreshing the EOM staging parameter to Yes.
-autorun Shows the UI and automatically sends messages to the stores specified.
-silent Hides the UI and automatically sends messages to the stores specified then exits the utility.
-help Shows detailed information about the utility.

Ncr.Retail.Setup.StoreDataPush.exe -help

The message will be recorded on the application event log and will be published to the appropriate queue in the RabbitMQ Server.