Menu Buttons

The following table describes the Menu Buttons options.

Option name Value Default value Description
Add Warranty Button Yes/No No Determines whether or not the Add Warranty button displays on the Item Options panel when an item is selected on the Sale Main Menu screen. When set to Yes, the button is enabled when an associate adds a warranty-eligible item but skips adding warranty to it on the Select Warranty screen. The button is disabled even if the parameter is set to Yes when an item that is not nwarranty-eligible item is added to the sales transaction or when a warranty has already been added to the item.
Enable Add Note Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Add Note button in the Item Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Amount Off Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Amount Off button in the Item Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Application Menu Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Applications Menu button on the global buttons section.
Enable Associate Discount Button in Returns Yes/No No Displays or hides the Associate Discount button on the Return Main Menu screen of the POS application.
Enable Associate Management Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Associate Management button on the Back Office Screen of the POS application.
Enable Back Office Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Back Office button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Basket Import Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Basket Import button on the Sale Menu screen of the POS application.
Enable Begin Prescreen Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Begin Prescreen button on the Member Information screen.
Enable Begin Printing Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Begin Printing button on franking screens.
Enable BIN Update Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the BIN Update button on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.

Recommended for mobile POS.

Enable Cash Office Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Cash Office button on the Back Office screen of the POS application.
Enable Cash Office Media Deposit Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Media Deposit button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Media Receipt Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Media Receipt button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Paid In Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Paid In button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Paid Out Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Paid Out button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Repository Settlement Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Repository Settlement button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Till Settlement Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Till Settlement button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Till Set up Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Till Setup button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Transfer Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Transfer button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Cash Office Refresh Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Refresh Store Totals button on the Cash Office Store Totals screen.
Enable Claim Check Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the following buttons on the specified screens:
  • Claim Check button on the Item Services screen
  • Standalone Claim Check button on the Services screen
Enable Client Lookup on Transaction Search Screen Yes/No No Enables or disables the Client Lookup feature on the Transaction Search screen during a return transaction.
Enable Commercial Sale Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Commercial Sale button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Coordinate Item Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Coordinate Item button in the Item Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Customer Lookup Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Customer Lookup button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Dollar off in Returns Yes/No No Displays or hides the Amount Off button in the Item Options panel on the Return Entry screen for offline receipted returns and on the Return Main Menu screen for non-receipted returns.
Enable Frank Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Frank button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Gift Wrap Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Gift Wrap button in the Item Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Group Claim Check Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Group Claim Check button on the Claim Check Item Selection screen of the POS application.
Enable In-Home Sale Items Button

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the In-Home Sale Items button on the Sale Main Menu screen of the POS application.
Enable Individual Claim Check Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Individual Claim Check button on the Claim Check Item Selection screen of the POS application.
Enable Internal Sale Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Internal Sale button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Item Price Modifiers for Multiple Quantity items Yes/No No Displays or hides the Price Override, Percent Off, and Amount Off buttons for multiple quantity items in a sale or exchange transaction.
Enable Item Tagging Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Item Tagging button on the Sales Main Menu screen and on the Return Entry screen.
Enable Load Local Data Files Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Load Local Data Files button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Local Receipt Messages Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Local Receipt Messages button on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Menu Maintenance Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Menu Maintenance button on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Merchandise Menu Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Merchandise Menu button on the Sale Main Menu screen of the POS application.
Enable No Sale Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the No Sale button on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Out Of Store Mode Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Enter Out of Store Mode and the Exit Out of Store Mode buttons on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Paid In Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Paid In button on the Drawer Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Paid Out Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Paid Out button on the Drawer Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Pay On House Account Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Pay on House Account button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Percent Off Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Percent Off button in the Item Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Percent off in Returns Yes/No No Displays or hides the Percent Off button in the Item Options panel on the Return Entry screen for offline receipted returns and on the Return Main Menu screen for non-receipted returns.
Enable Pickup Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Pickup button on the Drawer Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Pickup Preorder Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Pickup Preorder button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Price Override Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Price Override button in theItem Options panel of the POS application.
Enable Quantity Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Quantity button in the Item Options panel of the POS application for sales, return, or exchange transactions.
Enable Quick Menu Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Quick Menu button on the Sale Main Menu screen of the POS application.
Enable Quick Menu Mode Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Enter Quick Menu Mode button on the Manager Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Receive Loan Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Receive Loan button screen on the Drawer Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Refresh Data Files Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Refresh Data Files button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Reload Parameters Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Reload Parameters button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Remove Manual Item Level Markdowns for Return Items Comma–separated numeric value from zero to 255 characters (None)

Specifies the discount type IDs to display the Remove Manual Discounts button on the Item Options panel in the POS application. This button enables the associate to remove the manual markdowns that match the specified discount type IDs from items during non-receipted return, offline receipted return, and receipted return for sales not found transactions.

  • Discount type IDs are specified in the Markdown Properties parameter group.
  • This option works in conjunction with the Enable Percent Off in Returns and Enable Dollar Off in Returns parameters.
  • For this release, only removal of Percent Off and Dollar Off markdowns are currently supported.
Enable Remove Manual Item Level Markdowns for Sale Items Comma–separated numeric value from zero to 255 characters (None)

Specifies the discount type IDs for which to display the Remove Manual Discounts button on the Item Options panel in the POS application. This button enables the associate to remove manual markdowns that match the specified discount type IDs from items during sale transactions.

  • Discount type IDs are specified in the Markdown Properties parameter group.
  • This option works in conjunction with the Enable Percent Off Button and Enable Amount Off Button parameters.
  • For this release, only removal of Percent Off and Amount Off markdowns are currently supported.
Enable Reports Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Reports button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Returns Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Return button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Returns Basket Import Button Yes/No/AutoSelect No

Enables or disables return of basket import items on the Transaction Search screen for returns.

  • AutoSelect—the POS application navigates directly to the Basket Import screen.
  • Yes—enables the basket import button on the Transaction Search screen.
  • No—disables the basket import button on the Transaction Search screen.
Enable Roll Business Date Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Roll Business Date button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Shutdown Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Shutdown button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Store Controller Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Store Controller button on the Back Office screen of the POS application.
Enable Store Financial Summary Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Store Financial Summary button on the Reports screen of the POS application.
Enable Store Sales Button

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/No No Displays or hides the Store Sales button on the Reports screen of the POS application.
Enable Support Functions Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Support Functions button on the Transaction Types screen of the POS application.
Enable Terminal Deletion Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Terminal Deletion button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Terminal Modes Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Terminal Modes button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Terminal Setup Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Terminal Setup button on the Support Functions screen of the POS application.
Enable Terminal Totals Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the This Terminal’s Totals button on the Reports screen of the POS application.
Enable Till Assign Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Till Assign button on the Closed screen of the POS application.
Enable Till Removal Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Till Removal button on the Closed screen of the POS application.
Enable Transaction Search Button Yes/No Yes Displays or hides the Transaction Search button on the Back Office screen of the POS application.
Enable Transaction Tagging Button Yes/No No Displays or hides the Transaction Tagging button on the Sales Main Menu screen and on the Return Entry screen.
Gift Receipt Types Enabled One of the following options:
  • Individual
  • Group
  • Individual and Group
Individual and Group Determines the buttons that are enabled on the Gift Item Select screen.
Receipt Preference Type One of the following values:
  • Printed
  • Digital
  • Printed and Digital
  • Printed, Digital and Both
Printed, Digital and Both

Determines the buttons that are enabled on the Receipt Preference screen.


Digital receipts must also be enabled in a Windows services configuration file. For more information refer to Enabling digital receipts.