Totaling a Customer’s Purchases

After the customer pays for their purchase, the application displays the Receipt Preference screen.

The POS application supports the following receipt options:

  • Printed—prints the receipt details on paper.
  • Digital—sends the receipt details through e-mail.
  • Both—prints the receipt details on paper and sends the receipt through e-mail.
Configurable features

The POS application can be configured with the following features.

  • No Receipt—provides retailers the option to complete a sale transaction without requiring the POS to print a receipt. This option is determined by a configurable threshold amount, where a total customer purchase amount that exceeds the threshold amount disables this option. Refer to the following option:

A configured threshold amount of $50.00 suggests that for a customer total purchase of $45.00, the customer can decide not to have a receipt printed. This option is applicable to sales transactions only.