Receipt Printing

The following table describes the Receipt Printing options.

Option nameValueDefault valueDescription
Allow Duplicate Receipt PrintingYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application allows the printing of duplicate receipts.
Allow Duplicate Printing and Resend E-Receipts for Return ReceiptsYes/NoNo

Determines whether or not the POS application allows the printing of duplicate receipts and resending of e-receipts for return receipts in Lookup Last X transactions for the current POS terminal and for the entire store.


The X refers to the number of transactions as set up in the Number of Local Receipts to Display and Number of Store Receipts to Display parameters.

Allow Duplicate Receipt with VAT Summary PrintingYes/NoNoDisplays the Print VAT Summary button on the Reprint Receipts screen.
Allow Gift Receipt PrintingYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints gift receipts.
Allow Print Recall ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints a chit when a recalled item is returned.
Allow Rebate Receipt PrintingYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints a rebate receipt.
Always Print Audit Copy for Sale TenderYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints an audit copy for tenders in sales transactions.
  • Yes—prints an audit copy for each tender.
  • No—prints an audit copy only when the POS or a payment authorizer requires a signature in receipted return transactions and when the customer is unable to sign at the PIN pad.
Auto Print Gift ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS automatically prints a gift receipt for all sale transactions.
Available Network PrintersAn alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters(None)

Defines the printers that are available in the store network.

The values correspond to the routing key specified in RabbitMQ. For more information, consult with an NCR Representative.


This parameter accepts multiple values separated by a comma.

Balance Inquiry Print ChitOne of the following values:
  • Always Print
  • Never Print
  • Print Option
Print OptionDetermines whether or not a chit prints after a balance inquiry.
  • Always Print—sets the POS to automatically print a chit after a balance inquiry.
  • Never Print—sets the POS not to print a chit after a balance inquiry.
  • Print Option—enables the Print button during a balance inquiry.
Claim Check PolicyAn alphanumeric value from zero to 500 charactersTHIS CLAIM CHECK IS NOT A VALID RECEIPT AND CANNOT BE USED AS PROOF OF PURCHASE FOR RETURNS/EXCHANGES.Describes the claim check policy text that is printed on store and customer copies of claim check.
Complete Customer Profile TextAn alphanumeric value from zero to 1024 characters Customer has a complete profile.Defines the text to be printed on the member information chit and sales receipt when the customer has a complete profile.
Comp. Value Savings Amount ThresholdA numeric value from zero to 99999999 or blank(None)Provides the threshold amount that the comp. value savings amount needs to meet for the printing option to be triggered. This parameter works in conjunction with the Print Comp. Value Savings Type parameter.
Comp. Value Savings Percent ThresholdA numeric value from zero to 99 or blank(None)Provides the threshold amount that the comp. value savings percent needs to meet for the printing option to be triggered. This parameter works in conjunction with the Print Comp. Value Savings Type parameter.
Default EReceipt Printer NameAn alphanumeric value from zero to 40 charactersMarkup.PrinterSpecifies the default receipt printer used to capture receipt data for digital receipts.
Default POSLog Printer NameAn alphanumeric value from zero to 40 charactersAS.Printer.2Specifies the default receipt printer used to capture receipt data in POSLog.
Default Receipt Printer NameAn alphanumeric value from zero to 40 charactersAS.Printer.1Specifies the default receipt printer used to capture receipt data.
Display Trigger Code Amount On Receipt

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to show the trigger code amount and tax character on the printed receipt.
Duplicate Receipt Footer TextAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 charactersNot Valid For ReturnsDescribes the text that is printed below the Duplicate Receipt text. Providing a description for this text is recommended when restricting duplicate receipts from being used in return transactions.
Enable 16 Digit Member Barcode on ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints a 16-digit member bar code on the customer enrollment chit.

This parameter adds two leading zeros and six trailing zeros to the eight-digit member bar code on the receipt.

Enable Call Auth ChitPrompt Off/Prompt OnPrompt OffDetermines whether or not the POS enables the button that allows transaction details to print when a tel auth is needed.
Enable Enroll Customer ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints a chit after a successful customer enrollment.
Enable No Receipt FunctionYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS enables the button that allows transactions to be completed without printing a receipt. This parameter is dependent on the value set in the No Receipt Threshold Amount parameter.
Enable Resend EReceipt ButtonYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS is able to resend e–receipts.
Frank on InsertYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS automatically starts franking when a form is inserted.
Gift Price MappingAn alphanumeric value from zero to 10 characters.ABCDEFGHIJSpecifies the mapping of values to substitute for price digits 0–9.

NCR does not recommend changing the value of this option after implementation.

Gift Receipt Encoded Price Print PriorityHighest/LowestHighestDetermines the prioritized value order for multiples of the same item with different return prices.
Gift Receipt InquiryYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not an associate is able to lookup return prices for gifts by entering the encoded Gift Code.
Gift Receipt Return PolicyAn alphanumeric value from zero to 500 charactersPlease see a store associate for assistance.Sets the text to include the return policy with a gift receipt.
Incomplete Customer Profile TextAn alphanumeric value from zero to 1024 charactersCustomer has an incomplete profile.Defines the text to be printed on the member information chit and sales receipt when the customer has an incomplete profile.
Make Suspend Chit OptionalYes/NoNoEnables or disables the POS from suspending a transaction with or without printing a chit.
  • Yes—displays an additional option in the POS application to suspend a transaction without printing a chit.
  • No—automatically prints a chit when the POS application suspends a transaction.

Max Number Gift Receipts


This parameter is blacklisted.

A numeric value from zero to 999999Specifies the maximum number of non–detailed gift receipts allowed.
Max Number of Rebate ReceiptsA numeric value from zero to 9910Specifies the maximum number of rebate receipts allowed.
No Receipt Threshold AmountA numeric value from zero to 999999995000Specifies the minimum amount for the POS to require receipt printing:
  • An amount that is less than or equal to the amount specified in this parameter provides an option for completing transactions without printing a receipt.
  • An amount of zero always disables the No Receipt button.

This value acknowledges an assumed number of two decimal places.

Number of Local Receipts to DisplayA numeric value from zero to 9915Specifies the number of receipt information to display on the POS application when reprinting receipts for transactions on the current POS terminal.
Number of Store Receipts to DisplayA numeric value from zero to 9910Specifies the number of receipt information to display on the Lookup Last X Transaction button and on the Receipt Lookup screen on the POS application when reprinting receipts for storewide transactions.
Optional offline loyalty transaction messageAn alphanumeric value from zero to 500 characters(None)Prints messages on receipts for any transaction type when the POS receives an offline response from the retailer's external system to the Transaction Dispatch service. The Allow Transaction Dispatch parameter must be enabled. For more information, refer to General.
Post Void Authorizing Associate TextAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters(None)Defines the text to be printed below the signature line on the post void store and customer copy receipt. When this value is left blank, the default text is printed on the receipt.
Print Associate Name on ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the Associate Name on transaction receipts.
Print Associate ID on ReceiptsYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to print the associate ID on the POS transaction receipts.
Print Approved By line on the Post Void Customer CopyYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the Approved By line with the authorized associate name on the post void customer copy receipt.
Print Approved By line on the Post Void Store CopyYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the Approved By line with the authorized associate name on the post void store copy receipt
Print Approved By line on the Return Receipt Store CopyYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the Approved By line on the store copy return receipt.
Print Barcode Customer ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a Code-128 bar code on the customer chit.
Print Commission Associate ID On ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints the applied commission associate ID on the transaction receipt.
Print Comp. Value Savings TypeSimple Price Difference/Threshold Price DifferenceSimpleDetermines the comp. value savings calculation method that is used. This parameter works in conjunction with the Print Savings Summary on Receipt parameter.
Print Condensed Sales ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application uses the condensed format to print sales and exchange receipts.

The condensed format removes the transaction-level discount details from each item on the receipt. Tax and transaction discount details are printed below the item list.

Print Customer Copy Post Void Chit

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not Post Voids print a customer copy.
Print Customer Name on Audit and Store CopyYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not to print customer name on audit and store copy receipts during a return and exchange transaction when returning customer information is available.
Print Department Coupons on the receiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not to print the "Coupons" header on the receipt.
Print Detailed Gift Receipt

This parameter is blacklisted.

Yes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the detailed gift receipt is the method used for printing gift receipts.
Print Gift Return By DateYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a Return By date on the gift receipt.
Print Item DepartmentYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints the item department on receipts.
Print Member Address on Enrollment ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints the address of the newly enrolled member on the customer enrollment chit.
Print Mid-Void Customer Copy ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints a customer copy chit when a transaction is voided.
Print Mid-Void Store Copy ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints a store copy chit when a transaction is voided.
Print Non-Dividend-Eligible Text on ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not text prints on the sales and returns receipts indicating the items that are not dividend-eligible.
Print Number Of Return Items on ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the number of returned items on the receipt.
Print Privacy Policy in Return ReceiptsYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the store’s privacy policy text on the customer copy of return receipts. For more information about specifying the privacy policy text of the store, refer to POS Receipts.
Print Privacy Policy in Sale ReceiptsYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the store’s privacy policy text on the customer copy of sales receipts. For more information about specifying the privacy policy text of the store, refer to POS Receipts.
Print product code (SKU) on receipt and POS UI regardless of method of lookupYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application always prints the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number on the receipt and displays it on the POS screen regardless of whether the item was entered using the SKU or UPC number. This parameter also applies to return items on the receipt.
Print Reason CodesYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not return reason codes are printed on receipts and chits.
Print Reason DescriptionsYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not return reason descriptions are printed on the customer receipts, chits, and franking slips. This option works in conjunction with the Reason Definitions options. For more information, refer to Reason Definitions.
Print Recipient InformationYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the recipient information on the customer copy receipt for send–to–address item transactions.
Print Reduced Tax Line On ReceiptAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 characters(None)

Defines the text to be printed for the reduced tax line in the sales tax area on the receipt. When this value is left blank, no reduced tax line is printed on the receipt.

Print Required Fee Item in the ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the required fee item on the receipt. When set to No, the required fee item details are not printed on the transaction receipts. The POS application instead adds the required fee to the price of the item it is linked to.
Print Return Reason Additional Text Preference

One or more of the following values:

  • 1 Chit
  • 2 Frank Slip
  • 3 Receipt
1,2,3Determines whether or not the additional text information of the return reason applied to the transaction is printed on the chit and receipt, and franked on the franking slip.
Print Return Reason Code PreferenceOne or more of the following values:
  • 1 Chit
  • 2 Frank Slip
  • 3 Receipt
1,2,3Determines whether or not the code of the return reason applied to the transaction is printed on the chit and receipt, and franked on the franking slip.
Print Return Reason Description PreferenceOne or more of the following values:
  • 1 Chit
  • 2 Frank Slip
  • 3 Receipt
1,2,3Determines whether or not the description of the return reason applied to the transaction is printed on the chit and receipt, and franked on the franking slip.
Print Return Reasons Additional Text on Customer CopyYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the additional text information of the return reason applied to the transaction is printed on the customer copy of the transaction receipt.
Print Sale Return By DateYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a Return By date on the sales receipt.
Print Savings Summary on ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the savings summary on the sales and exchange receipts.
Print Send NumberYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints the item services send number in the receipt.
Print Start Up ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS automatically prints a diagnostic chit upon startup.
Print Store Copy Label on the ReceiptYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS application prints the Store Copy label on the receipt.
Print Subtotal Line on ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the subtotal line displays on the customer receipt.
Print Tax Line On ReceiptYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS displays the tax line on the customer receipt.
Print Terminal Deletion ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not a receipt is printed when an inactive terminal is deleted from the in-store server. This parameter works in conjunction with the Enable Terminal Deletion parameter. For more information, refer to Menu Buttons.
Print Till Assignment ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a chit after a till is assigned to a terminal.
Print Till Creation ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a chit after creating a till.
Print Till Deletion ChitYes/NoYesDetermines whether or not the POS prints a chit after deleting a till.
Print Time Keeping ChitYes/NoNoDetermines whether or not a receipt prints when clocking in and out of the POS terminal.
Print VAT Summary on ReceiptOne of the following values:
  • Never Print VAT Summary
  • Always Print VAT Summary
  • Optional Print VAT Summary
1Determines whether or not the VAT Summary prints on the customer receipt.
  • 1—Never Print VAT Summary
  • 2—Always Print VAT Summary
  • 3—Optional Print VAT Summary
Print Voided Credit and Debit Tenders On Receipt Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the voided credit and debit tender information on the receipts. This parameter works in conjunction with the following parameters:
  • Print Mid-Void Customer Copy Chit—enable to print a customer copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Print Mid-Void Store Copy Chit—enable to print a store copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Enable Mid-Void Reasons—enable to allow associates to select a mid-void reason. For more information, refer to General.
  • Tender Mid-Void Option—select the OriginalTender option to enable the POS to print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt. By default, OriginalTender is the default value. When the LocalCurrency is selected, the POS application will not print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt.
Print Voided Currency Tenders On Receipt Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the voided cash or foreign currency tender information on the receipts. This parameter works in conjunction with the following parameters:
  • Print Mid-Void Customer Copy Chit—enable to print a customer copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Print Mid-Void Store Copy Chit—enable to print a store copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Enable Mid-Void Reasons—enable to allow associates to select a mid-void reason. For more information, refer to General.
  • Tender Mid-Void Option—select the OriginalTender option to enable the POS to print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt. By default, OriginalTender is the default value. When the LocalCurrency is selected, the POS application will not print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt.
Print Voided Customer Account Tenders On Receipt Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the voided dividend and loyalty rewards tender information on the receipts. This parameter works in conjunction with the following parameters:
  • Print Mid-Void Customer Copy Chit—enable to print a customer copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Print Mid-Void Store Copy Chit—enable to print a store copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Enable Mid-Void Reasons—enable to allow associates to select a mid-void reason. For more information, refer to General.
  • Tender Mid-Void Option—select the OriginalTender option to enable the POS to print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt. By default, OriginalTender is the default value. When the LocalCurrency is selected, the POS application will not print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt.
Print Voided Gift Card Tenders On Receipt Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the voided gift card or merchandise card tender information on the receipts. This parameter works in conjunction with the following parameters:
  • Print Mid-Void Customer Copy Chit—enable to print a customer copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Print Mid-Void Store Copy Chit—enable to print a store copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Enable Mid-Void Reasons—enable to allow associates to select a mid-void reason. For more information, refer to General.
  • Tender Mid-Void Option—select the OriginalTender option to enable the POS to print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt. By default, OriginalTender is the default value. When the LocalCurrency is selected, the POS application will not print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt.
Print Voided Media Tenders On Receipt Yes/NoNoDetermines whether or not the POS prints the voided media tender information on the receipts. This parameter works in conjunction with the following parameters:
  • Print Mid-Void Customer Copy Chit—enable to print a customer copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Print Mid-Void Store Copy Chit—enable to print a store copy of the mid-void chit.
  • Enable Mid-Void Reasons—enable to allow associates to select a mid-void reason. For more information, refer to General.
  • Tender Mid-Void Option—select the OriginalTender option to enable the POS to print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt. By default, OriginalTender is the default value. When the LocalCurrency is selected, the POS application will not print the voided tenders on the mid-void receipt.
Provide Imprint Area for Card Not Present (CNP) TendersYes/NoNoProvides a card imprint area on the Store Copy receipt.

This parameter is dependent on compatible PIN pad devices and requires a payment solution.

Recall Item Chit InstructionsAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 charactersPlease attach this chit to itemIndicates the text of the message describing the handling of the chit.
Recall Item Chit MessageAn alphanumeric value from zero to 80 charactersDo not return to stockIndicates the text of the message describing the handling of the returned recalled item.
Receipt Printing OrderOrdered by Entry/Ordered by Department1Determines the order that items are printed on the receipt.
  • 1—Ordered by Entry
  • 0—Ordered by Department
Sales Receipt Return PolicyAn alphanumeric value from zero to 500 charactersPlease see a store associate for assistance.Indicates the text to include the return policy with a sales receipt.
Technical User ID Masking SchemeAn alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters(None)Determines whether or not to mask the Technical User ID displayed on the Diagnostic Information View screen and printed on the POS diagnostic chit.

The values for this parameter are as defined in the Masking Definitions parameter group. For more information, refer to Masking Definitions. When the value for this parameter is invalid, the POS masks all the characters in the Technical User ID.

Time Allowed to Insert Frank FormA numeric value from zero to 99960Determines the number of seconds an associate is allowed to insert the frank form before the POS displays a warning message.
Transactions for Printing Gift Card ChitA comma-separated list of numeric values of up to 255 characters1, 2, 81Determines the transactions that print a chit when value is added to a gift card during the transaction.