Adding new Touch Types

This task is performed on the Messaging Server and uses the following file.

File name Folder
EOMDataUpdatesControl.xml %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NCR\DSREnterprise\Utilities\Databases\Updates

To add Touch Types by metadata update, follow these steps:

  1. Open the EOMDataUpdatesControl.xml file.
  2. Add a <File> element for the new Touch Type.
  3. Create an XML file in the same directory with the name provided in the <File> element.
  4. Add the following information to the XML file:
    <EOMMetadataUpdate id="GenEOMData" description="This is auto-generated data from GenEOMData.">
    <DeviceClass ident="POS" productVersion="[Current Product Version]">
    <Item action="Add">
    <Name>[Touch Type Name]</Name>
    <Description>[Touch Type Description]</Description>

    The table below contains the descriptions of the values to be modified in the XML file.

    Current Product Version

    Specifies the current EOM parameter version.



    Touch Type Name

    Specifies the name or ID of the Touch Type.



    Touch Type Description

    Specifies the description of the Touch Type. This value appears in the drop-down list of available Touch Types.


    <Description>Manager Device</Description>

  5. Save the changes.
  6. Run NCR Data Setup. For more information, refer to NCR Data Setup Utility.

    The EOM Parameter Updates under the EOM Data Updates data group should indicate 1 pending update when on the Setup Progress screen.

  7. Verify that the Touch Type changes are reflected in the Client tab of the Options Category Pane in the Current Options Window in EOM.
  8. Enable and start the EOM Parameter Staging service. For more information, refer to EOM Parameter Staging.