Store Open and Close

This section describes the options for automating the Store Open and Close processes. Automated store open and close options are not applied immediately upon deployment. These options are applied after a Store Open or Store Close process or after the POSClientConnectionManager service on the In-Store Server is restarted. For more information refer to Deploying Change Sets.

The following table describes the Store Open and Close options.

Option name Value Default value Description
Automatic Close Store Yes/No No Enables the In-Store Server POS terminal to close the store automatically.
Automatic Open Store Yes/No No Enables the In-Store Server POS terminal to open the store automatically.
Auto Store Open and Close Processing Timeout A numeric value from zero to 999 30 Specifies the timeout interval in seconds for the In-Store Server to wait for the POS terminal to send a store Open or Close Processed message before sending out another Open or Close request. This option applies only to automatically scheduled store openings and closings.
Time To Close Store A time value with the following format:


00:00:00 Specifies the time at which the In-Store Server POS terminal automatically closes the store.
Time To Open Store A time value with the following format:


00:00:00 Specifies the time at which the In-Store Server POS terminal automatically opens the store.

NCR recommends leaving 5–10 minutes between automatic store close and automatic store open for the close processing to complete.

PosLog Store Financial Summary Data Yes/No No Determines whether or not to save the Store Financial Summary data in the POSLog during an automatic or manual close store operation on the POS terminal.