Assigning a till after terminal closing

When the POS terminal is closed, authorized associates can assign a till to the terminal.

Before starting the transaction, associates must ensure the following POS settings:

  • A till is not currently inserted to the terminal.
  • The terminal does not have an assigned till to it.
  • The POS application is operating in Department Mode. Refer to Terminal Modes.
Configurable features

The POS application can be configured to print a Till Assign Transaction Receipt after assigning a till. For more information, refer to Receipt Printing.

To assign a till to a terminal, follow these steps:

  1. On the Closed screen, select Till Assignment. The application displays the Till Assignment Source - Till ID screen.

  2. Enter the Till ID to be assigned to the terminal.
  3. Select Accept. The application prints the Till Assign chit and displays the Closed screen.

Reassigning a till after terminal closing

When the POS terminal is closed, authorized associates can reassign a till to the terminal.

The application does not allow the associate to reassign a till to the terminal when:

  • The selected till to be reassigned is already inserted into a different terminal.
  • A till is currently inserted in the terminal.

To reassign a till after terminal closing, follow these steps:

  1. On the Closed screen, select Till Assignment. The application displays the Till Assignment Source - Till ID screen.
  2. Enter the Till ID to be assigned to the terminal.
  3. Select Accept. The application displays a message indicating that the terminal has a different till assigned to it.

  4. Select Yes to continue with the till reassignment. The application prints the Till Assign chit and displays the Closed screen.