Authorization Overrides

The following table describes the Authorization Overrides options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary.

Option name Value Description
Authorization Functions An alphanumeric value from one to 40 characters

The name and unique identifier for a POS function that requires an authorization override for certain user roles.

This parameter is the record's key.

Authorization Roles A comma-separated list of valid user roles or blank

Specifies which user roles have authorization to perform the Authorization Function. For a list of valid user security roles, refer to Job role.

A blank value indicates that all roles can access the function.

Block All Roles Yes/No

Prevents users from accessing an Authorization Function.

  • Yes—blocks access to the function without requesting authorization.
  • No—requests authorization based on the Authorization Roles specified.

This parameter supports the following authorization functions only:

  • CheckTenderOverLimit
  • GiftCardRefundOverTransactionLimit
  • TerminalDeletion

When set to Yes for other authorization functions, the POS does not notify the user that the function is blocked and the POS function buttons may appear unresponsive.

The default value for all Authorization Functions is No.

Default Data
Authorization Functions Authorization Roles Block
All Roles
AccountsReceivableTenderAuthorization 10,20,70 No Has permission to apply a tender which is configured with the Tender Sub Type set to AccountsReceivable. For example, purchase order tender.
AddAssociate 10,20,70 No

Has permission to create and add new associates to the store using the Add Associate feature in back office.


By default, the Add Associate feature is disabled for unauthorized associates. Associates can only add their subordinates.

AdjustDepositAmount 10,20,70 No Has permission to adjust the deposit amount for pre-order items.
Admin 10,20,70 No

Has permission to access the Manager Functions screen.


This authorization function is currently not supported.

AllowAmountGreaterThanSetTillMaxAmount 10,20,70 No Has permission to allow an amount that is greater than the set till maximum amount.
AllowDuplicateReceiptInReturn 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a duplicate receipt during a receipted return transaction.
AllowRecalledItemSale 10,20,70 No

Has permission to add recalled items to the sales transaction.


Authorization is still required for this feature.

AllowZeroShippingFee 10,20,70 No

Has permission to change the shipping fee to zero.


By default, Block All Roles for this authorization function is set to Yes.

ApproveInvalidatedEmailAddress 10,20,70 No Has permission to approve e-mail addresses rejected by the retailer’s e-mail validation service.
ApproveInvalidatedPhoneNumber 10,20,70 No Has permission to approve phone number rejected by the retailer’s phone number validation service.
AssociateDiscount 10,20,70 No Has permission to apply an associate discount to the sales transaction.
AssociateManagement (None) No

Has permission to access the Associate Management screen.


If the associate’s role is not one of the defined authorization roles, the associate will have limited access to the Associate Management functions.

BackOffice (None) No Has permission to access the Back Office functionality.
BorrowedCommissionAssociate 10,20,70 No

Has permission to work at another store site.


The borrowed associates can add their associate ID to the current store during the sales transaction.

CardNotPresent 10 No Has permission to manually enter the customer’s card numbers on the PIN pad.
CashChangeOverLimit 10,20,70 No

Has permission to give a cash change due amount that exceeds the configured limit.


Retailers must set the Overtender Maximum Amount parameter value. For more information, refer to Tender Definitions

CashOffice 10,20,70 No

Has permission to access the Cash Office feature in POS Back Office.


If the associate logged in does not have the security level access, the Cash Office feature is not available.

ChangeQuantity 10,20,30,70 No

Has permission to change the quantity of a line item during a sales transaction.

ChangeRole 10,20,70 No Has permission to change the role of an associate.
ChangingTaxability 10,20,70 No Has permission to change the taxability of an item during a sales transaction using the Make Taxable or Make Non-Taxable button.
CharitySkipButton 10,20,70 No Has permission to skip charity donations during a sales or exchange transaction.
CheckTenderNumberBelowMin 10,20,70 No Has permission to accept checks with check numbers that are below the Minimum Check Number parameter. This override function works in conjunction with the Minimum Check Number parameter. For more information, refer to Media tender types.
CheckTenderOverLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to accept check tender amounts that exceed the configured limit.
CloseTerminal (None) No Has permission to close a POS terminal.
CommercialSale 10,20,70 No Has permission to add a commercial discount to the sales transaction.
CourtesyMemberOverrideKey 10,20,70 No Has permission to use the Courtesy Member Override button.
CreditOfflineOverFloorLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to process credit tender when the POS application is offline and the amount is over the configured floor limit.
CustomerAccountCashOutOverMaximumAmount 10,20,70 No Has permission to cash out dividends when the amount is over the configured threshold within the date range.
CustomerAccountCashOutOverMaxOutside 10,20,70 No Has permission to cash out dividends when the amount is over the configured threshold outside of the date range.
CustomerAccountOfflineOverFloorLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to cash out dividends when the POS application is offline and the amount is over the configured floor limit.
DeleteAssociate 10,20,70 No

Has permission to delete an associate from the store.


By default, the Delete Associate feature is disabled for unauthorized associates.

DeleteItem 10,20,70 No Has permission to delete an item from a sales or return transaction by voiding the item.
DepartmentListInGiftReceiptReturns 10,20,70 No

Has permission to enter a department item in a gift return transaction.


Retailers must first enable the Department List button. For more information, refer to Item Setup.

DepartmentListInReceiptedReturns 10,20,70 No Has permission to add a department item to a receipted return transaction.
DollarOffMarkdown 10,20,70 No Has permission to select the Amount Off button to apply an item dollar off discount.
DrawerFunctions (None) No Has permission to use the Drawer Functions feature.
EvenExchangePriceDifferenceLimitExceeded 10,20,70 No Has permission to complete even exchange transactions that exceed the price difference limit.
ExchangeOnly 10,20,70 No Has permission to perform an exchange–only return depending on store policies.
ExpiredReceipts 10,20,70 No Has permission to accept expired receipts in a return transaction.
ForceDrawerOpenKey 10,20,30,70 No Has permission to open a cash drawer with a single button press in emergency situations.
FraudulentCustomer 10,20,70 No Has permission to continue a transaction with a fraudulent customer.
GiftCardCashOut 10,20,70 No Has permission to cash out the gift card balance until the specified limit is reached.
GiftCardCashOutOverMaximumAmount 10,20,70 No Has permission to proceed with gift card and merchandise card cash-outs that go over the transaction limit.
GiftCardRefundOverTransactionLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to proceed with gift card and merchandise card refunds that go over the refund transaction limit.
GiftCardSwap 10,20,70 No Has permission to transfer balances from multiple cards into one gift card.
GiftCardTenderBypassPin 10,20,70 No

Has permission to bypass a PIN entry when tendering a gift card.


This parameter does not apply to gift cards that do not have PIN authorization codes.

InternalSale 10,20,70 No Has permission to charge purchases to the store as part of an employee benefits program.
InventoryAdjustments 10,20,70 No Has permission to access the Inventory Adjustment feature.
ItemLookupInGiftReceiptReturns 10,20,70 No Has permission to search for items during a gift-receipted return transaction.
ItemLookupInReceiptedReturns 10,20,70 No Has permission to search for items during a receipted return transaction.
ItemMarkdownLimit 10,20,70 No

Has permission to apply an item dollar off discount or percent off discount when either the DollarOffMarkdown or PercentOffMarkdown exceeds their threshold.

ItemMaximumPrice 10,20,70 No Has permission to enter a price over the maximum price limit of an item.
LoadLocalDataFiles (None) No Has permission to replace the existing local data of a POS terminal with the data from another POS terminal in the store.
LocalReceiptMessages 10,20,70 No Has permission to add custom messages to the customer receipts.
ManagerFunctions 10,20,70 No Has permission to access the Manager Functions feature.
ManualMFRCoupons 10,20,70 No Has permission to manually enter the manufacturer coupon discount to an item.
ManualStoreCoupon 10,20,70 No Has permission to manually enter the store coupon dollar off or percent off discount to an item.
MediaDepositBagAmountOverLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to deposit an amount that exceeds the media deposit limit.
MenuMaintenance 10,20,70 No Has permission to perform quick menu maintenance.
NewPrice (None) No Has permission to override the price of an item.
NonReceiptedReturns 10,20,70 No Has permission to process non-receipted return transactions.
NonReceiptedReturnsItemLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to process a non-receipted return transaction with items exceeding the defined item limit.
NoSale (None) No Has permission to use the no sale functions.
OfflineCommissionAssociate 10,20,70 No Has permission to accept an alphanumeric associate ID when the POS application is offline.
OfflineOpeningTillCount 10,20,70 No

Has permission to accept the entered Opening Till Fund amount when the POS application cannot retrieve the expected till count from the Store Server.


Retailers must first set the Count Till When Opening Terminal parameter value to Prompt For Opening Till Fund.

OMSReturns 10,20,70 No Has permission to return an item from an order, even when the Order Management System indicates that the item has not been picked up.
Open (None) No Has permission to open a POS terminal.
OpeningOutOfBalanceTillCountPrinting 10,20,70 No

Allows for printing a till count receipt that shows the expected Cash amount for the till, when the keyed Opening Till Fund amount differed from the expected amount. This authorization works in conjunction with the Print Till Count button on the Till Count Over Short Reason screen.


Retailers must first configure the following parameters:

  • Set the Count Till When Opening Terminal parameter value to Prompt For Opening Till Fund.
  • Set the Allow Out Of Balance Till Count Printing parameter value to Yes.
OpeningTillCountOverShort 10,20,70 No

Allows for accepting an Opening Till Fund amount that differs from the expected till Cash amount in Cash Office.


Retailers must first set the Count Till When Opening Terminal parameter value to Prompt For Opening Till Fund.

OpenTerminalWhenStoreIsClosed 10,20,70 No Has permission to open a POS terminal when the store is closed.
OrderPickup 10, 20, 30, 70 No

Has permission to access to the Order Pickup feature to locate and pickup orders. This parameter works in conjunction with the Order Pickup button on the Transaction Types screen.


Retailers must first set the Use OMS parameter to Yes to make the Order Pickup button available.

OutofBalanceTillCountPrinting 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a till count receipt that shows the expected till tender amounts when the keyed closing terminal settlement tender amounts differ from the expected amount. This authorization works in conjunction with the Allow Out Of Balance Till Count Printing parameter.
OutOfStoreMode (None) No

Has permission to enter and exit Out of Store Mode.


This function requires the Enable Out Of Store Mode parameter to be set to Yes to make the Enter Out of Store Mode button available.

OverrideGiftReceiptRefundTenders 10,20,70   Has permission to process refunds using alternate forms of tender during gift receipted returns.
OverrideNoIDType 10,20,70 No Has permission to process return transactions using the No ID option.
OverrideRefundTenders 10,20,70 No Has permission to process refunds using alternate forms of tender during receipted and non-receipted returns.
OverrideRequiredForReturnableItems 10,20,70 No Has permission to process the return of an item that has been defined to require a return override.
OverrideTrustedCashier 10,20,70 No Has permission to override the limit for processing non-receipted returns within the defined time period in the Time period for limiting non-receipted returns for a cashier parameter.
OverrideTrustedCustomer 10,20,70 No Has permission to select a refund tender that is different from the tender used in the original Sale transaction. This authorization works with the Override Tender button on the Refund Tender Menu screen.
OverShortAlert 10,20,70 No Has permission to close closing terminal settlement overage or shortage that exceeds the configured limit.
PayOnHouseAccount 10,20,70 No Has permission to use House Account as a tender in a transaction.
PayOnHouseCard 10,20,70 No Has permission to use House Card as a tender in a transaction.
PercentOffMarkdown 10,20,70 No

Has permission to select the Percent Off button to apply a percentage discount to an item.

PolicyRestrictionForNonReturnableItem 10,20,70 No Has permission to override return restrictions for returnable items, such as garage sale items.
PostVoidTransaction 10,20,70 No Has permission to post-void a sales or return transaction.
PriceOverride 10,20,70 No Has permission to change the price of an item during a sales transaction.
PrintDuplicateReceipt 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a duplicate receipt.
PrintGiftReceipt 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a gift receipt.
PrintGiftReceiptExceedsMax 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a post-transaction gift receipt. This authorization works in conjunction with the Print Gift Receipt button on the Reprint Receipts screen.
PrintRebateReceipt 10,20,70 No Has permission to print a rebate receipt.
PrintRebateReceiptExceedsMax 10,20,70 No Has permission to print more than the Max Number Gift Receipts threshold.
QuantityPriceExceedsMax 10,20,70 No Has permission to change the quantity of an item when the price exceeds the Maximum Item Price for Quantity parameter value.
QuickMenuMode (None) No

Has permission to use the Quick Menu Mode function.


This function requires the Enable Quick Menu Mode Button to be set to Yes to make the Enter Quick Menu Mode button available.

ReceiptedReturnsItemLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to process a receipted return transaction when the items returned exceed the defined item limit.
RefreshDataFiles (None) No Has permission to reload a full copy of the data files from the enterprise to the POS terminal.
RefundTenderCardsMismatch 10,20,70 No Has permission to refund to a card that does not match the card tendered in the original sales transaction.
ReloadParameters (None) No Has permission to reload the parameters that have changed since the last reload.
Reports 10,20,70 No Has permission to generate a sales report.
ReprintReceipts 10,20,70 No Has permission to access to the Reprint Receipts feature to print a new copy of a receipt. This authorization works with the Reprint Receipts button on the Transaction Types screen.
ResendEReceipts 10,20,70 No Has permission to send or resend e-receipts from any store or terminal.
ResetPassword 10,20,70 No

Has permission to renew the user password. This authorization works in conjunction with the Reset Password button on the associate line option’s window on the Search Associate Results screen.


This function only applies to local associates. This function does not apply to resetting the signed-in associate’s password. The Reset Password button is available only if the signed-in associate has a role with security rights to search for an associate and reset the password.

ResetPin 10,20,70 No Has permission to reset an associate’s PIN at the terminal.
ReturnNotFound 10,20,70 No Has permission to complete a return transaction when the sales transaction could not be located in the returns management system.
Returns 10,20,70 No Has permission to access the returns feature and start a return transaction. This authorization works in conjunction with the Return button on the Transaction Types screen.
RollBusinessDate 10,20,70 No Has permission to update the store business date of all the POS terminals without closing and re-opening the store.
Sale 10,20,30,70 No Has permission to sell items.
SearchAssociate (None) No Has permission to search for associate information.
Shutdown (None) No Has permission to shut down the POS application.
StandaloneClaimCheck 10,20,70 No Has permission to print claim checks outside of a sales transaction.
StoreClose 10,20,70 No Has permission to close the store.
StoreDailySalesSummary 10,20,70 No Has permission to generate a Store Daily Sales Summary report. This authorization works in conjunction with the Store Daily Sales Summary button on the Reports screen.
StoreFinancialSummary 10,20,70 No Has permission to generate a Store Financial Summary report. This authorization works in conjunction with the Store Financial Summary button on the Reports screen.
StoreOpen 10,20,70 No Has permission to open the store.
StoreSales 10,20,70 No

Has permission to generate a Store Sales report. This authorization works in conjunction with the Store Sales button on the Reports screen.


The Enable Store Sales parameter is currently disabled and blacklisted by default.

SupportFunctions 10,20,70 No Has permission to perform Support Function features.
TaxExempt 10,20,70 No Has permission to apply tax exemptions to the sales transactions of eligible customers.
TaxOverride 10,20,70 No

Has permission to enter an new tax amount for an item during a transaction.

This authorization works in conjunction with the following buttons:

  • Tax Override button on the Sale Main Menu screen.
  • Tax Override button on the item’s options window on the Sale Main Menu screen.

Retailers must first set the Manual Tax Override parameter to Yes to make the Tax Override button available.

TaxOverrideZeroPercent 10,20,70 No Has permission to change an item’s tax rate to zero during a transaction. This parameter works in conjunction with the entered Tax Rate value on the Tax Override Reason screen.
TerminalDailySalesSummary 10,20,70 No Has permission to generate a Terminal Daily Sales Summary report. This authorization works in conjunction with the Terminal Daily Sales Summary button on the Reports screen.
TerminalDeletion 10,20,70 No Has permission to delete an inactive terminal from the in-store server.
TerminalModes (None) No

Has permission to access the Terminal Modes feature to change the modes of the terminal. This authorization works in conjunction with the Terminal Modes button on the Store Support screen.

By default, the value is left blank to indicate that everyone can access the Terminal Modes feature.

TerminalSetup (None) No

Has permission to access the Terminal Setup feature to change the terminal number, store number, transaction number, or touch type at the terminal. This authorization works in conjunction with the Terminal Setup button on the Store Support screen.

By default, the value is left blank to indicate that everyone can access the Terminal Setup feature.

TillAssignment 10,20,70 No Has permission to assign a till to a terminal.
TillRemoval 10,20,70 No Has permission to remove the till when the terminal is closed.

This authorization works in conjunction with the Till Removal button on the Closed screen.

TrainingMode (None) No Has permission to access the Training Mode function.
TransactionDiscountOverLimit 10,20,70 No Has permission to apply a total transaction discount amount that exceeds the Maximum Tran Discount Amount parameter value or the Maximum Tran Discount Percent parameter value.
TransactionSearch 10,20,70 No Has permission to retrieve and display transactions performed across the store.
TransactionTotalLimitExceeded 10,20,70 No

Has permission to do the following:

  • Complete a return transaction when the Refund Due amount exceeds the Transaction Limit Before Manager Override parameter.
  • Allow transactions with an amount due that exceed the transaction maximum amount limit.
UnlockAssociate 10,20,70 No Has permission to unlock a locked associate through the POS back office associate management functionality.
UnlockWithDifferentAssociate 10,20,70 No Has permission to unlock a POS terminal locked by a different associate.
UpdateAssociate 10,20,70 No Has permission to update associate information.
VoidPartialTender 10,20,70 No Has permission to remove a tender from an active sale and return exchange transaction.
Sample Data

The following table provides a sample record that can be used to support different POS features according to each retailer's needs.

Related POS Feature Authorization Functions Authorization Roles Block
All Roles
Enhanced Paid In EnhancedPaidIn 10,20,70 No Has permission to accept paid-in transactions using Item Services.
Remove Manual Item Markdown RemoveItemLevelDiscounts 10,20,70 No Has permission to remove manual item-level markdowns during sale, non-receipted return, or offline receipted return transactions.