Tender Definitions

The POS application gives retailers the flexibility to control and configure specific tenders.

The Tender Definitions parameter group includes records for the following tender types:

The following table describes the Tender Definitions options.


This is a multi-record option group. Records can be added as necessary. This parameter group has a maximum limit of 999 records.

Option name Value Description
Active Tender Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is available for any functions.
Allow Demographic Fields Prompting One or more of the following values:
  • Email Address
  • Telephone number
  • Zip code
Specifies the demographic information configured for a tender type.

For partial tenders, only the demographic information that is configured for all the applied tenders are prompted.

Allow Under Tender Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender must cover the outstanding balance.
Allowed As Refund (Not Original Tender) Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is allowed to be distributed for refund when there is no original tender.

This parameter is supported for Send Check tenders.

Allowed in Associate Sale Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender type can be used in a sale transaction applied with an associate discount.
Authorization Merchant ID An alphanumeric value from zero to 20 characters Specifies the merchant ID that would be printed on the chit when authorization is needed but the POS is offline to the authorizer.
Authorization Payment Type An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Identifies the payment type to control authorization for this tender type. This parameter works in conjunction with the value configured in the Payment Type field in Payment Authorization. The value determines which payment client to use per tender.
Authorization Phone Number A numeric value from zero to 9999999999

Determines whether or not the POS application displays the Call Credit Department screen and prints a chit when authorization is required but the POS is offline to the payment client.

When the value for this parameter is set, the POS application displays the Call Credit Department screen. When the value is left blank, the POS application displays the Unable to Process Card screen or an information message.

Collect General Info An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Describes a general prompt scheme for this tender type. This parameter works in conjunction with the value configured in the Prompt Set ID field in Information Form Definitions.
Collect Info for Automatic Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for this tender type for automatic entry.
Collect Info for Integrated Chip Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for tender type for integrated chip entry.

This parameter is not yet supported for Credit tenders.

Collect Info for Keyed Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for this tender type for keyed entry.
Collect Info for Micr Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for this tender type for Micr entry.
Collect Info for MSR Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for this tender type for MSR entry.
Collect Info for Scanned Entry An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the prompt scheme for this tender type for scanned entry.
Currency Code A drop-down list. Defines the three-character currency code for this tender.
Drawer Control Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender requires the drawer.
Exchange Rate A numeric value from zero to 40 digits. Specifies the exchange rate. This is calculated by comparing one unit of foreign currency to local currency.

There will be a decimal point in the expected value when it is not in the local currency.

Is Auto Posted Yes/No Controls if the system tender count automatically pre-populates the associate tender count values when counting the till.
Is Local Currency Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is the primary currency definition.
Is Mid Void Allowed Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is available to be mid-voided.
Is Post Void Allowed Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is available to be post-voided.
Masking Definition An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Defines the masking scheme to use for this tender. The value used in this parameter must match the value defined in the Masking Definition ID parameter in Masking Definitions.
Offline Sale Floor Limit An alphanumeric value from zero to nine characters Specifies the amount to allow offline approval for this tender type.

For Gift Card-type tenders, when this parameter is left blank, the POS application prompts for authorization. When this parameter has a value of 0, authorization is not an option. Other values may not be used for a floor limit with Gift Card Tender.

Overtender Maximum Amount A numeric value from zero to 99999999 characters Determines if over tendering is allowed and sets any limit on the amount.
POSLog SubTender Type An alphanumeric value from zero to 20 characters

This value can include a colon (:) and a period (.).

Determines the value to display as the SubTenderType in the POSLog.

This value is required. If the value is not in the ARTS schema, use an extension, for example, ncr:. Values cannot begin or end with a colon or period.

Sample value:


POSLog Tender Type An alphanumeric value from one to 20 characters

This value can include a colon (:) and a period (.).

Determines the value to display as the Tender Type in the POSLog.

If the value is not in the Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS) schema, use an extension, for example, ncr:. Values cannot begin or end with a colon or period.

Sample value:


Print Post Void Customer Chit Yes/No Determines whether or not the customer chit should be printed for this tender type when a transaction is post voided.
Print Refund Audit Copy Yes/No Determines whether or not to print the Return Audit copy when this tender is in the refund tenders and Print Audit Copy is set to Yes in Returns Setup.
Prompt For CVV Yes/No Determines whether or not the CVV should be prompted for this tender type when hand-keyed.
Prompt For Last 4 Yes/No Determines whether or not the last four digits of the account number is to be prompted for when this tender type is used in a sale.
Refund Tender ID A numeric value from zero to 40 digits Identifies the tender ID assigned to distribute as a refund in a return.
Refundable Original Tender Yes/No Determines whether or not the original tender can be used for distribution as a refund.

Foreign currencies, checks, and other media tenders are not supported refundable tenders.

Require PIN Yes/No Determines whether or not the PIN entry is required for this tender type when manually entered.

When this option is set to No, the Entry Method Prompt for PIN parameter is disregarded. For information about the Entry Method Prompt for PIN parameter, refer to Gift Card Types.

Signature Control Yes/No Determines whether or not a signature line is printed on receipt for this tender type.
Signature Threshold An numeric value from zero to 999999999 Specifies the maximum amount used to identify threshold for forgoing a signature.
Tender Button Display Control A numeric value from zero to 99 Controls the display order of the tender on menus.
Tender Button Display Option

One of the following values:

  • TenderName
  • TenderSubType
  • TenderButtonDisplaySequence
Determines whether the tender is grouped and displayed under the defined method TenderName or TenderSubType or TenderButtonDisplaySequence.

TenderButtonDisplaySequence supports Credit Tenders only. For more information, refer to Charge tender types.

Tender Button Display Sequence A numeric value from zero to 99 Groups Credit Tenders in a single button and displays it on the Tender Menu screen. The value for this parameter will display as the button name unless configured. For more information, refer to Grouping tenders

The Credit Tenders must have the same value for this parameter record.

Tender ID A numeric value from zero to 999 characters

Specifies the ID for this tender.

This parameter is the record's key.

Tender Legal Text An alphanumeric value from zero to 255 characters The legal text is printed on the store copy receipt when tendering with credit.
Tender Mid Void Option Original Tender/Local Currency Determines whether the original tender or the local currency is distributed for a mid-void.
Tender Name An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Describes the tender name used in the Tender Menu Display, Receipt, Hard Totals, and PosLog.
Tender Post Void Option Original Tender/Local Currency Determines whether the original tender or the local currency is distributed for a post-void.
Tender Sub Type One of the following values:
  • Cash
  • Foreign Currency
  • Credit
  • Debit
  • Gift Card
  • Check
  • Manual EFT
  • Online Payment
  • Customer Account
  • Loyalty Reward
  • Traveler’s Check
  • Manufacturer Coupon
  • Accounts Receivable
  • House Account
  • Gift Certificate
  • Coupon
Specifies the sub-type for this tender.
Tender Type A drop-down list:
  • Currency
  • Charge
  • Media
  • Loyalty
Specifies the type of tender.
Valid For Tax Exempt Transaction Yes/No Determines whether or not the tender is valid for tax exempt transactions.
Valid Transaction Types One or more valid transaction types Specifies the transaction types that are valid for this tender.
Validation Scheme An alphanumeric value from zero to 40 characters Specifies the defined validation scheme for account/ reference ID for this tender type. This parameter works in conjunction with the value configured in the Validation Scheme ID field in Validation Definitions.