Looking Up Customers and Loyalty Members

Associates can search for store loyalty members or store customers who have information in the system but are not enrolled in a loyalty program using the Client Lookup feature. The Client Lookup feature is located on the upper right-hand corner of the following screens:

  • Sale Main Menu
  • Transaction Types
  • Return Entry
  • Return Main Menu
Configurable features

The POS application can be configured with the following features.

  • Permit associates to add existing loyalty members to a transaction when they are not found in AMS Logix or are not found due to the POS being offline to the external system. In this case, the associate must have the customer ID available. Refer to the following option:
  • Authorized associates can apply loyalty promotions and pricing on eligible items during a sales transaction when a customer is not a loyalty member. Defining this parameter displays the Courtesy Member Override button on the Customer Lookup screen. Refer to the following option:
  • Search for customers without accessing the Client Lookup function. For more information, refer to the following sections:

Customer Lookup screen

  • Determine whether customer lookup information is entered using the POS or the PIN pad as the default device. Refer to the following option:
    • Loyalty Options > Default to POS for: Member Lookup, Enroll, Receipt Preference, Email, Phone and Zip
  • Specify required customer information. An asterisk (*) sign before the field name indicates that the information for this field is required. Refer to the following option:
  • Define the fields that require other fields to be entered before performing the lookup. Refer to the following section:
  • Specify the Member Type ID to be associated with the user input when requested in the Logix Server. Refer to the following section:
  • Display an associate message on the Customer Lookup screen if an error condition occurs in the retailer’s loyalty management software during a loyalty request. This feature requires the following configuration:
    • Retailers must enable the feature and specify the POS error message text in the response message sent from their loyalty system to SAIL.
  • Perform fraudulent customer verification during customer lookup. Refer to the following option:

Member Information screen

  • Display the Member Information screen when a customer who is a loyalty member is found after performing a customer lookup or is selected from the Member Results screen. Refer to the following option:
  • Determine which member information displays on the Member Information screen after performing a customer lookup. Refer to the following option:
  • Display the available rewards for a loyalty member on the Member Information screen after performing a customer lookup. Refer to the following option:
  • Determine whether or not the Begin Prescreen button displays on the Member Information screen. Refer to the following the option:

Member Lookup Results screen

  • Set the maximum number of search results. By default, the POS application displays a maximum of 50 results per search. If the number of search results exceed the set value, the application displays an error message. Refer to the following option:

Enrolling customers from customer lookup

  • Display the Enroll Customer screen when no results are found after performing a customer lookup, bypassing the associate confirmation message. Refer to the following option:
  • Display the Enroll Customer screen when a customer who is not a loyalty member is found after performing a customer lookup instead of the POS default behavior, which displays an associate confirmation message. Refer to the following option:
  • Display the Enroll Customer screen when a customer who is not a loyalty member is selected from the Member Lookup Results screen, and pre-populate the fields with existing customer information. Refer to the following option: 

Printing loyalty information

  • Print the loyalty member information from the Member Information screen after performing a customer lookup. Refer to the following option:
  • Print the loyalty member number associated with the transaction on the receipt and in the Electronic Journal (EJ). Refer to the following option:
  • Customize the loyalty marketing message printed on the receipt from the loyalty marketing message default data table. Refer to the following option:
  • Disable the POS application from printing the member information on the receipt when a loyalty member is added to a transaction and the Loyalty Member Information screen is displayed. Refer to the following option:

PIN pad features

  • Integrate with a payment solution. When the Customer Entry button is enabled, the customer can use the PIN pad to enter customer information. For more information, refer to the following options:

    This feature requires additional retailer integration and retailer-specific PIN pad screens. For more information, consult with an NCR Representative.

  • Enable compatible PIN pad devices to display the loyalty lookup criteria. Customers can then enter loyalty information depending on the loyalty lookup criteria selected. For more information on compatible PIN pad devices, consult with an NCR Representative. Refer to the following option:
  • Enable the PIN pad to accept the customer’s e-mail confirmation or opt-in or opt-out options for promotional e-mails when the POS is integrated with Common Client. Refer to the folloing section: