Selling items from price inquiry

After checking the item prices, associates can add the selected items to a transaction when the customer decides to purchase them.

Configurable features

The POS application can be configured with the following features.

To add items to a sales transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Check the price of an item. For more information, refer to the following sections.

    The application displays the inquired items on the Price Inquiry screen.

  2. On the Price Inquiry screen, select the items to sell.

    All the items are selected by default.

  3. Depending on which price inquiry was used, follow the corresponding action specified in the following table.
    Price inquiry method ActionPOS response
    Checked item prices during a sales transactionSelect Add To Transaction.The application displays the selected items on the Sale Main Menu screen.
    Checked item prices outside of a sales transactionSelect Convert To Sale.

    The application starts a sales transaction and displays the selected items on the Sale Main Menu screen.


    When the POS is integrated with a payment solution, the application checks if the payment terminal for EMV cards is offline at the beginning of a sales transaction. For more information about payment solutions, consult with an NCR Representative.


    An item may require additional information before it can be added to a transaction. If configured, the Additional Item Information screen is displayed after the item is scanned or entered into the POS. For more information, refer to Adding additional item information.

  4. Complete the transaction.