Processing check payments

The POS application can accept checks as payment for transactions through the following methods:

  • Reading the check using Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
  • Entering the check information manually

The following sections describe processing check payments using the POS application.

The POS application provides multiple configurable functions for processing check payments. For more information, refer to Configurable check payment functions.


For the POS to accept checks as payment, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • The check tender is enabled on the POS application.

    By default, the check tender is active. For more information, refer to Media tender types.

  • When using a payment solution, the retailer has configured the POS application with the following options:
    • The retailer’s payment solution is successfully integrated with the POS application.
    • The retailer has defined the authorization values for the payment solution integrated with the POS application. For more information, refer to Payment Authorization.
    • The retailer has specified the payment type and modified the values of its corresponding Tender ID to work in conjunction with it.

    By default, the POS application does not require authorization from a payment solution to accept check payments.

For more information, consult with an NCR Representative.