Accepting house cards

The POS application also supports payments made with house cards. House cards are credit cards issued by the retailer for customers with a line of credit in the store. This section describes the following house card payment features:

When a customer cannot present a house card, the customer can select the Card Not Present button when enabled on the More Tender Options screen. The POS can be configured to ask for additional customer information when the card is not present. For more information, refer to Accepting additional tenders.

To use the house card tender, ensure that the following conditions are met:

Configurable features

The POS application can be configured with the following features.

  • Specify a payment solution for real-time online validation and authorization of house card tenders. For more information, refer to Payment Authorization.
  • Enable scanning of the house card bar code during tender. For more information, refer to Configurable Inputs (Input Validation).
  • Specify the credit card and gift card minimum and maximum length fields. For more information, refer to Credit Card Types.
  • Define whether an expiration date for the house card is expected. For more information, refer to Credit Card Setup.
  • Collect additional customer information for keyed entry of house account number. For more information, refer to the following sections:
  • Define whether a payment plan code is required for the house card. For more information, refer to Payment Plans.
  • Enable the information message to pay at PIN pad after selecting the tender type. For more information, refer to Tender Setup.
  • Print the voided house card tender information on the sales, return, and exchange receipts. This feature applies to single partial tender and mid-void transactions. For more information, refer to Receipt Printing.
  • Prompt the associate to retry voiding the credit, debit, and house card tenders when the tenders fail to void. This feature applies to single partial tender void, mid-void, and post-void transactions only. For more information, refer to Credit Card Setup.
  • Prevent the transaction from post voiding if the first credit, debit, and house card tender or other authorizable tender fails to reverse during authorization. An information message that the transaction could not be voided is displayed. When the first card tender fails to reverse, the associate can retry to post void the transaction at a later time. If there are multiple card tenders and only some reversed, the transaction will have to be manually adjusted by the sales audit department. For more information, refer to Tender Setup.
  • Specify which associate is authorized to accept house cards as a tender in a transaction without an authorization override. Refer to the Authorization Roles option in Authorization Overrides.